I tried a mega luxurious afternoon tea that's completely different and tops the lot

When it comes to a treat, there's nothing quite like tucking into a delicious afternoon tea in beautiful surroundings. But while I'm partial to a slice of homemade Victoria sponge or a fluffy scone with jam and cream, I'm not a fan of the sugar overload that comes from a traditional version.

But these days there are many different afternoon tea offerings including a so-called gentleman's tea featuring savouries like sausage rolls and Scotch eggs (note to venues - us women love umami bites too) as well as tapas teas and those catering for various food allergies.

At Cardiff's Park Plaza, the head chef of Laguna Kitchen & Bar has now come up with something very different to the afternoon teas I've tried in the past - a seafood version aptly named Afternoon Sea. And it's the best I've had yet.

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Served on a typical white china two-tier afternoon tea stand, that's where the similarity ends. In place of the tiny cucumber sandwiches, scones and cakes is a smorgasbord of fishy bites, including Thai salmon fishcakes, crevettes, crispy squid and smoked salmon.

Chilled pea and mint soup with creme fraiche
Chilled pea and mint soup with creme fraiche

On a separate square slate were two teacups filled with chilled soup alongside mini pots of water and two 'tablets' which, once dissolved in the water, were handy wet wipes for sticky fingers after handling those king prawns. But where to start. We decided to go for the pea and mint soup which was cool and fresh while the creme fraiche added to the lovely creamy consistency. The perfect palate cleanser.

Succulent prawn cocktail
Succulent prawn cocktail

Onto the prawn cocktail and this famously '70s dish was far from past it. Served on a refreshingly crispy lettuce leaf rather than in a tall glass, it was packed with prawns that were topped with just the right amount of sauce giving a real depth of flavour without detracting from the fish.

Potted white crab with melba toast
Potted white crab with melba toast

Next up we went for the potted crab which came in a beautiful mini glass tumbler and was served with melba toast. Once again the sauce was creamy but it was delicate and it didn't swamp the crab, which it quite often can. The wonderfully crisp toast was perfect for dipping and mopping up and it added some texture too.

Thai salmon and corriander fishcake and crispy squid
Thai salmon and corriander fishcake and crispy squid

The crispy squid was served on a skewer just like a kebab and came with two dipping sauces - lemon garlic aioli and sweet chilli jam. Squid has to be one of my favourite seafood bites - as long as it's done right. Sometimes the coating can be greasy and the squid can be too chewy but this was sublime. The coating was crunchy but light and the fish was perfect. The dipping sauces added some zing with the sweet chilli my particular favourite. I could have eaten this again and again. But there was more to be had, including another favourite of mine - Thai fishcakes.

The fishcakes were much plumper than you would usually expect and when you sliced into them they were really crumbly so it was a bit difficult to get the pieces onto your fork. The salmon and corriander went together nice enough but I was expecting more and they needed the chilli jam I'd kept by to add some flavour. The least favourite part of the afternoon tea for me.

Severn and Wye smoked salmon and poached crevettes
Severn and Wye smoked salmon and poached crevettes

The Severn and Wye smoked salmon served with a thick slice of soda bread and a wedge of fresh lemon was juicy and full of flavour and the poached crevettes were plump and juicy - it was well worth getting your hands a bit messy shelling them.

Along with our food we were served a complimentary glass each of Cremant, which is available to all those who book Afternoon Sea this month. Priced at £38 for two it was great value as there was a good selection of high quality fish that was beautifully prepared and served. While we were perfectly sated, our only recommendation was that maybe a mini sweet dish should be added to round off the meal - something like a mini lemon posset - just to cleanse your palate.

Overall this is a great addition to the hotel's afternoon tea selection this summer and if you love seafood I can guarantee you'll be back for more. I know I will...

Afternoon Sea is now available at Laguna Kitchen & Bar, Park Plaza Hotel, Cardiff, priced at £38 for two. Click here