I tried Redheads Mac N Cheese in the Grainger Market and it was a decadent delight

The Mexican Mac 'n' Cheese from Redheads Mac N Cheese in the Grainger Market.
-Credit: (Image: Chronicle Live)

I decided to take another trip to the Grainger Market in order to get another bit to eat, and to speak to a business owner about the new funding that will be coming to the historic building. I knew exactly where I wanted to go, so I headed along to Redheads Mac N Cheese to give their products a try.

When I arrived, I opted to get one of the £10 midweek meal deals, which includes a portion of Mac 'n' Cheese, a can of pop and a cookie. I went for the Mexican flavour, which tops the traditional pasta and cheese combo with nachos, sour cream, salsa and coriander.

Then, I sat down to dig in, and upon my first fork-full, I was hit with just how rich and decadent of a food this is. The crispy nachos were gorgeous and the combination of salsa and sour cream added to the flavour really well.

Then, I got down to the main event, the famous Mac 'n' Cheese, which absolutely lived up to its billing. The cheese is creamy and gooey in the best way possible, with the pasta's texture being just right to compliment this.

A special shout out has to go to the triple chocolate cookie which I enjoyed too, which was the perfect sweet accompaniment to my savoury feast. I then had a chat with Jamie Pagett, the owner of Redheads Mac N Cheese, about the origins of the business and his thoughts on the Grainger Market funding.

The Mexican Mac 'n' Cheese from Redheads Mac N Cheese in the Grainger Market.
The Mexican Mac 'n' Cheese from Redheads Mac N Cheese in the Grainger Market. -Credit:Chronicle Live

Jamie said: "We established the business in 2016, starting on the Quayside Market before moving in to the Grainger Market in 2019. We built up our reputation and customer base in order to be able to do this, and we were playing with flavours to see what worked, but then Covid came along we had to adapt.

"We began delivering chilled meals to people's homes, around 1000 a week, and this is where the retail side of our business really took off from, as we now stock our products in shops like One Stop, Premier and Fenwick's. It definitely took a bit of time for us to get going again after the pandemic, but we are hopeful that new office buildings being build will bring us more footfall.

Redheads Mac N Cheese in the Grainger Market.
Redheads Mac N Cheese in the Grainger Market. -Credit:Chronicle Live

"In terms of the funding, the Grainger Market is in need of some money as it is a great location with incredible history, and this is only going to make the customer experience better. Things like he heating and exterior presentation of the market will also make things better for us as businesses too.

"Our aim is to be here long term, as we want to make the business sustainable and ensure our presence here for many years to come. We will also be looking into franchise options in order to expand as much as possible, while making sure that Newcastle remains in the heart of what we do."

As I left the Grainger Market, I revelled in the buzz and positivity that seems to be emanating from the city centre at the moment. I can only see this getting even more prevalent when the £9m funding from Newcastle City Council is used to improve the market.