We Tried and Tested These 19 Products, And It Turned Out They *Actually* Work

Giving you a one-stop-shop review of these Amazon buys
Giving you a one-stop-shop review of these Amazon buys

Giving you a one-stop-shop review of these Amazon buys

We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, HuffPost UK may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.

If you’ve ever been let down, or even ‘catfished’, by something you’ve bought online then you’ll know the feeling of a cleaning product not quite leaving the shine you expected it to, or an eye cream that left you wondering what it even did.

Therefore, we decided to put these products to the test to see whether they really work as they claim online.

Spoiler alert: They did – check our reviews below...

Turns out buying some great sports bras actually did make me go to the gym more, despite my doubts.
Turns out buying some great sports bras actually did make me go to the gym more, despite my doubts.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

Turns out buying some great sports bras actually did make me go to the gym more, despite my doubts.

They're long enough to double up as a gym top IMO, and I love their breathable (and pretty) cross-strap backs. Crucially, the support these give me is something else – I honestly think I've missed fewer classes since buying these cute and comfy options. Also, let's pretend this sweaty-haired, loo-heavy photo is because I'm being authentic and not because I forgot to take a pic until after my class, thanks.
They come in sizes XS-XXL, and have eight colour combos. I find they're true to size.

£17.60 for two at Amazon

This removal spray banished the unsightly marks from my ceiling where nothing else had worked.
This removal spray banished the unsightly marks from my ceiling where nothing else had worked.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

This removal spray banished the unsightly marks from my ceiling where nothing else had worked.

Mould is a pretty common home problem in the UK, and our flat is no exception. Leave this foaming spray on any affected areas for up to half an hour and then wipe it away to reveal a mildew-free surface underneath.

£5.75 at Amazon

Having tried this heated air rack myself, I'm honestly not sure how I lived (or got ready for work) without one.
Having tried this heated air rack myself, I'm honestly not sure how I lived (or got ready for work) without one.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

Having tried this heated air rack myself, I'm honestly not sure how I lived (or got ready for work) without one.

I've always wanted a heated air rack (if I have to lift one more still-damp pair of jeans from my current clothes horse three days after I've put them there, I'll scream), but it was hard to find one for less than around a hundred quid. Thankfully, this highly-rated option is under £80 and works brilliantly – it's cut my clothes' drying time by about a third, and it can hold loads of laundry too.

£79.80 at Amazon

After a sleeping mask that really won't let light in? I just bought myself this sleep mask that has an adjustable wire in its nose cover, and I'm never going back.
After a sleeping mask that really won't let light in? I just bought myself this sleep mask that has an adjustable wire in its nose cover, and I'm never going back.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

After a sleeping mask that really won't let light in? I just bought myself this sleep mask that has an adjustable wire in its nose cover, and I'm never going back.

Because its clip can be fitted to your exact nose, it won't let in a single ray of light (super useful on those bright mornings).

£5.03 at Amazon

This set of four ultra-fluffy pillows is perfect for fellow side sleepers.
This set of four ultra-fluffy pillows is perfect for fellow side sleepers.


This set of four ultra-fluffy pillows is perfect for fellow side sleepers.

They're designed to contour to the curves of your neck *exactly*, so it's no wonder I've noticed my back loosening up a little after using these. Ergonomic design aside, they're the comfiest options I've ever tried – I reckon I get to sleep about five minutes after laying my head on one of these. That might be due to its 100% cotton material and hypoallergenic filling, or maybe I'm just resting easy knowing I can chuck these in the washing machine every time they get a little grubby.

£52.27 for four at Amazon

This beautiful washed cotton set looks and feels exactly like real linen (which usually costs around £250 per bedding set – yikes).
This beautiful washed cotton set looks and feels exactly like real linen (which usually costs around £250 per bedding set – yikes).


This beautiful washed cotton set looks and feels exactly like real linen (which usually costs around £250 per bedding set – yikes).

Okay, okay, last bed recommendation. I can't get over how *expensive* these sheets look and feel (think zero static, unbelievable softness, and complete shrink resistance after washing). It makes sense, I suppose – they're made from 100% cotton that's been enzyme-washed, which is machine-washable and incredibly pretty. It comes in sizes single, king, and super king too.

£41.64 for a double set at Amazon

I thought this retinol eye cream was too cheap to work until I tried it.
I thought this retinol eye cream was too cheap to work until I tried it.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

I thought this retinol eye cream was too cheap to work until I tried it.

I bought this because I'd seen a friend of mine rave about it on Twitter – two weeks in, I'm so glad I fell for the hype. I put a tiny amount under each eye at night before my moisturiser, and I've already noticed that my lines have softened and my skin has plumped (the dream, TBH).

£10.89 at Amazon

This shower shield solution means that I don't have to worry about fingerprints or shampoo stains forming on my glass or metal surfaces.
This shower shield solution means that I don't have to worry about fingerprints or shampoo stains forming on my glass or metal surfaces.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

This shower shield solution means that I don't have to worry about fingerprints or shampoo stains forming on my glass or metal surfaces.

I share a flat with a few other people, so our shower sees some pretty heavy action. I wasn't sure that this formula would actually deliver on its promise to protect my unit from smudges and limescale build-up, but having applied it myself I now *completely* understand the rave reviews. I just had to clean my surfaces before applying the protective solution twice and then buffing it with a cloth. It's kept our shower muck-free for weeks now, and my taps no longer accumulate soap stains and finger marks the second I finish cleaning them.

£10.82 at Amazon

I didn't think there was a topcoat out there that would give my fidgety, nail polish-picking self a long-lasting manicure, but that's exactly what this Seche Vite topcoat does.
I didn't think there was a topcoat out there that would give my fidgety, nail polish-picking self a long-lasting manicure, but that's exactly what this Seche Vite topcoat does.

Valeza Bakolli / BuzzFeed

I didn't think there was a topcoat out there that would give my fidgety, nail polish-picking self a long-lasting manicure, but that's exactly what this Seche Vite topcoat does.

As someone who has never had nail polish stay on my nails for more than about 12 hours without it chipping or flaking before, I was more than a little suspicious about the claims this topcoat makes. It promises to make your nail polish last longer without any chips by working through the nail varnish and bonding it to your nail beds, ensuring that it doesn't budge, yellow, or chip. I thought I'd try it out seeing as it had gotten such rave reviews, and like literally thousands of other customers, I was surprised by how well it actually worked.

£5.45 at Amazon

This incredible descaler spray transformed my shower head in no time.
This incredible descaler spray transformed my shower head in no time.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

This incredible descaler spray transformed my shower head in no time.

Spray some of its enzyme-packed formula onto any affected surfaces and a thick foam will come out. Then watch it work its limescale-destroying magic, even in the hardest-to-reach nooks and crannies, for five minutes at most.

£3.50 at Amazon

This levomenthol-infused stick relieves me of my headache symptoms in just a couple of minutes!
This levomenthol-infused stick relieves me of my headache symptoms in just a couple of minutes!

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

This levomenthol-infused stick relieves me of my headache symptoms in just a couple of minutes!

This stick has gotten some rave reviews, so I was pretty keen to give it a go myself. I look at screens all day long, which is basically a two-step recipe for headaches, and I've been really impressed by how well it works. It's also easy to apply, I just run it over my forehead and wait for two minutes or so for its soothing formula to get to work. It's ideal if, like me, you're not a fan of taking painkillers every time you feel some tension in your forehead (and unlike with regular medication, you can reuse this product as many times as you want to).

£3.37 at Amazon

I'm almost embarrassed to tell you how much money I wasted on skincare before the pros recommended CeraVe's hydrating cleanser.
I'm almost embarrassed to tell you how much money I wasted on skincare before the pros recommended CeraVe's hydrating cleanser.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

I'm almost embarrassed to tell you how much money I wasted on skincare before the pros recommended CeraVe's hydrating cleanser.

Ever since my dermatologist recommended CeraVe's hydrating cleanser for my dry, acne-prone skin, I've been addicted to its ceramide-packed, barrier-rebuilding formula. It's helped to heal dehydrated, almost-flaky skin while also banishing my ever-present spots, so I understand why my derm insisted that there's really no point buying anything pricier – when in comes to cleansers, the simpler, the better.

£9.27 at Amazon

This anti-fog cloth is an absolute game-changer for people who wear glasses.
This anti-fog cloth is an absolute game-changer for people who wear glasses.

Xavier Singh / BuzzFeed

This anti-fog cloth is an absolute game-changer for people who wear glasses.

It contains special molecules that prevent condensation from building up on your glasses, and it can be reused up to 700 times too. It's perfect for these chilly mornings.

£8.99 for three at Amazon

I genuinely prefer this inexpensive heat protector spray to pricier alternatives.
I genuinely prefer this inexpensive heat protector spray to pricier alternatives.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

I genuinely prefer this inexpensive heat protector spray to pricier alternatives.

If (like me) you've got long, fine, or unruly hair, it can be really hard to find a product that makes your tresses look truly smooth – so you can imagine how happy I was to find my ride-or-die solution for under four Great British pounds. Simply spray it onto your ends before heat-styling your hair for a glossy, smooth, and frizz-free finish.

£3.11 at Amazon

These reusable copper lint rollers will de-fuzz your sofa, clothes, and carpets in a few simple strokes.
These reusable copper lint rollers will de-fuzz your sofa, clothes, and carpets in a few simple strokes.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

These reusable copper lint rollers will de-fuzz your sofa, clothes, and carpets in a few simple strokes.

They're made from durable and lightweight copper which is formed into rows of tiny combs. They can pick up everything from fine hairs to dust, no wonder pet owners swear by 'em.

£11.99 at Amazon

This Aquaphor lip balm has been the only salve for my dry, cracked lips.
This Aquaphor lip balm has been the only salve for my dry, cracked lips.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

This Aquaphor lip balm has been the only salve for my dry, cracked lips.

It's brought my already-dry lips back from the verge of a mid-cold draught, which isn't surprising considering its rave reviews. Customers say it's helped their lips through intense stressors, like surgery and skin conditions (fine, I guess my sniffle isn't the toughest dilemma this intensive product is designed to tackle).

£6.19 at Amazon

I avoid having to deep-clean the limescale from my kettle by using this drop-in descaler ball instead.
I avoid having to deep-clean the limescale from my kettle by using this drop-in descaler ball instead.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

I avoid having to deep-clean the limescale from my kettle by using this drop-in descaler ball instead.

I just popped this descaler in and continued to use the appliance as normal while it worked its magic (so low-hassle). Mineral deposits will collect in between its mesh wires rather than building up in your kettle. I can remove and rinse it quickly and easily whenever I need to, which is much easier than cleaning built-up mineral deposits from my most-used kitchen appliance.

£2.29 at Amazon

These machine-washable bamboo rounds will frankly leave your disposable ones in the dust.
These machine-washable bamboo rounds will frankly leave your disposable ones in the dust.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

These machine-washable bamboo rounds will frankly leave your disposable ones in the dust.

I wear makeup almost every day, which is why I kept putting off buying reusable cotton rounds – surely even a pack of thirty would run out before my lazy self managed to machine-wash the used ones, right? Wrong, of course – I use one or two of these a night, so I only need to remember to wash them about every fortnight. They're made from sustainable bamboo, come with a handy wash bag that keeps them all together in your machine, and have lasted reviewers for ages.

£8.95 for 30 rounds at Amazon

These drain sticks keep my plugholes clean on a  day-to-day basis.
These drain sticks keep my plugholes clean on a day-to-day basis.

Amy Glover / BuzzFeed

These drain sticks keep my plugholes clean on a day-to-day basis.

Looking for a low-hassle way to keep your sink's water flowing freely? These sticks are packed full of enzymes that break down the gunk and grease in your drains as they dissolve. All you'll have to do is put 'em in and leave them to get to work.

£7.74 for 12 at Amazon
