Truly unusual flavours from the far side of the world

<span>Photograph: Thomas Andreas/Alamy</span>
Photograph: Thomas Andreas/Alamy

I did not purposely start eating really strange-flavoured chocolate this week; it just happened. Someone, at some point, had told me about Fossa Chocolate from Singapore and how there was often a waiting list and, of course, this piqued my interest so I got its Salted Egg Cereal Blond bar (£8.95, 50g). This is a white chocolate containing cereal, butter, curry leaves, salted duck egg yolk (you can’t tell), curry leaves and chilli.

It’s difficult to describe this Fossa bar because there’s so much going on

On first taste I thought, hmm, here’s a chocolate I probably can’t eat but, ever the professional, I went back and tried it again and it became possibly the most intriguing and complex chocolate I ever did eat, and quite addictive. It’s difficult to describe it because there’s so much going on.

It reminded me, to name-drop for a minute (but as I said to Obama once, is it really name-dropping if it’s people you know?), of walking into Jimmy Page’s gothically overly ornate Tower House and being speechless. This is definitely one to try if you feel you want to take your chocolate journey a step further. Fossa does some incredible combinations and I intend to work through them for you. (Next: Duck Shit Dancong Tea and no, it doesn’t…)

Next was Hogarth’s Kumara (£7.95, 70g) which is 46% milk chocolate containing sweet potato. So tasty, so creamy, so smooth and so good, I was seduced before I knew what was happening. Thank goodness the bar was ‘only’ 70g.

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