Trump Calls His Own Former Chief Of Staff 'A Born Loser'

Former President Donald Trump, who vowed to hire only “the best people,” is trashing yet another former top official from his administration.

This time, Trump’s ire was directed at Mick Mulvaney, who served as his acting White House chief of staff from January 2019 to March 2020.

“Since leaving Washington, I haven’t heard much about Liddle’ Mick Mulvaney, perhaps the dumbest person, along with John Bolton, working at the White House,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post Monday evening.

Trump claimed Mulvaney was named “acting” chief of staff because “I never would have named him to the permanent position.”

“This guy was uncharismatic, a born loser,” he wrote, slamming Mulvaney over his current gig as an on-air contributor at CBS News. “No wonder they have No Ratings!”

It’s not clear what exactly triggered Trump’s screed about Mulvaney, who also held jobs in the Trump administration as the director of the Office of Management and Budget and as a special envoy to Northern Ireland. He resigned from the latter role following the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol and has since become critical of the former president.

In November, after Trump announced his bid for the presidency, Mulvaney said it was a bad move for the GOP because Trump was “the only Republican who could lose.” And last month, on Fox News, Mulvaney said he would not support Trump in 2024 because “I’m not interested in backing a loser.”

Despite boasting that he would surround himself “with only the best and most serious people,” Trump’s administration and campaigns were plagued with personnel issues. A number of his former advisers went on to be charged with and convicted of crimes. Many former aides and appointees have been attacked and ridiculed by Trump himself, including former national security adviser John Bolton, FBI Director Christopher Wray and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

CORRECTION: A previous version of this story incorrectly referred to Christopher Wray as the FBI’s former director. He is still in the role.
