Trump says immunity is ‘the least I’m entitled to’ in six-minute video rant

Donald Trump said presidential immunity was “the least” he was entitled to, in a rambling six-minute video in which he accused Joe Biden of “opening a giant Pandora’s box.”

The former president accused his political rival of being “the most corrupt president” in US history and warned him to “be careful” ahead of his appearance in an appeals court.

Mr Trump appeared at the Washington DC’s Court of Appeals on Tuesday morning for a hearing to weigh the presidential immunity plea that he hopes will see his January 6 election interference case dismissed.

In a video released on social media on Monday he once again accused Mr Biden of “weaponising” the justice system against him and claimed that “people are angry that I [did] such a good job”.

The video, which ran at just under six minutes, he said: “Of course I was entitled as president of the United States and Commander-In-Chief to immunity.

“I’m entitled to immunity – every president has immunity, especially one that did the job I did, I did a great job. If I don’t get immunity then crooked Joe Biden doesn’t get immunity.”

The former president accused Joe Biden of being ‘the most corrupt president’ in US history and opening ‘a giant Pandora’s box’ (AP)
The former president accused Joe Biden of being ‘the most corrupt president’ in US history and opening ‘a giant Pandora’s box’ (AP)

Mr Trump highlighted the “gross incompetence” of the Biden administration and claimed that the president had pocketed “millions and millions of dollars” from foreign powers.

“Joe would be ripe for indictment. So you’re saying that Trump shouldn’t get immunity but Joe Biden would. I didn’t do anything like he did, I ran a great country,” he said.

“By weaponising the justice system against his political opponent, me, Joe Biden has opened a giant Pandora’s box.

“As president I was protecting our country and doing a great job of doing so and the historians will be saying that – they already are.”

He continued: “Just look around at the complete mess that crooked Joe Biden has caused. He’s the worst president in the history of our country by far, he’s also the most corrupt president.

“The least I’m entitled to is presidential immunity just like any other president would get.

Mr Trump appeared at the Washington DC’s Court of Appeals on Tuesday morning for a hearing to weigh the presidential immunity plea that he hopes will see his January 6 election interference case dismissed (AP)
Mr Trump appeared at the Washington DC’s Court of Appeals on Tuesday morning for a hearing to weigh the presidential immunity plea that he hopes will see his January 6 election interference case dismissed (AP)

“I’d be the only one that they would even consider not giving immunity, because for whatever reason, people are angry that I’ve done such a good job.”

Mr Trump also claimed that indicting him was “the only way” that Mr Biden could win the upcoming election, but said that “thus far, it’s pushed us way up in the polls – higher than anyone has ever been, actually”.

“This is all him, 100 per cent him. He’s the one who told them to do it and they obey his orders. It’s a shame,” he said, referring to his indictments.”

Mr Biden has said he played no part in the indictments against Mr Trump and has insisted that the Department of Justice is working independently.

Mr Trump added in his video: “And he has to be careful because it can happen to him also. The next president, whoever that may be, has a statute of limitations that goes back six years – that’s a long time Joe, you have to be careful.

“We have to guard and protect our country, we have to do what’s right for our country. You don’t indict your political opponent because he opposes the corrupt election which you know was corrupt.”

Mr Trump’s Tuesday appearance at court comes as he continues campaigning ahead of the Iowa caucuses on 15 January.