After FBI raid, Trump supporters waived flags outside Mar-a-Lago hoping to see the former president drive by to check on his home

After FBI raid, Trump supporters waived flags outside Mar-a-Lago hoping to see the former president drive by to check on his home
  • Trump said the FBI raided his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida on Monday.

  • The search is reportedly tied to presidential documents Trump took with him from the White House.

  • Trump supporters gathered outside the private club Tuesday.

PALM BEACH, Florida — Following the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence, several dozen Trump supporters gathered Tuesday on a bridge that extends outside the private estate.

Just a small crowd of supporters had gathered as of 2 p.m. Several people who said they were part of Club 45 — an independent Trump-supporting organization — said more people would assemble from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., after people were done working for the day. Traffic was becoming more backed up by 3 p.m. By 5 p.m., about 60 people had gathered on the bridge.

Several Trump supporters told Insider they'd heard that Trump would be driving by himself later in the day to get back into Mar-a-Lago and assess his belongings, though a local police officer refuted the rumor to Insider.

In interviews, Trump supporters said they thought the FBI raid was politically motivated and would ultimately grow Trump's support, but said they weren't concerned about a civil war. Many repeated false claims that there was widespread fraud during the 2020 election.

All said they hoped Trump would run again in 2024 but picked Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as a second-favorite, or even as a potential running mate.





The street outside Mar-a-Lago was quiet on Tuesday morning

Mar-a-Lago one day after the FBI raid.
Mar-a-Lago one day after the FBI raid.Kimberly Leonard/Insider

Mar-a-Lago is Trump's permanent residence, and he is expected to vote from Florida in the November midterms. But he doesn't live there year-round. As Insider reported in June, he escapes the Sunshine State during the sweltering summer months. 

According to CNN, Trump was at Trump Tower in New York City at the time of the raid.

He spends his summers living at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. On Tuesday night, he'll be hosting US House Republicans there.

Protestors gathered on a bridge that leads from West Palm Beach to Palm Beach, where Mar-a-Lago is

Trump supporters lined up on the bridge leading out to Mar-a-Lago.
Trump supporters lined up on the bridge leading out to Mar-a-Lago.Kimberly Leonard/Insiders

Pro-Trump supporters parked their cars on the sides of the road and trickled in and out of the area throughout the day to show their support. It was a humid, 87-degree day, and many people stayed in their cars.

Technically, people are not allowed to be parked on the bridge because it's a construction site, but two police officers were unsuccessful at clearing out the rally-goes and media that had gathered.

A police officer told Insider that barricades would be placed on the bridge overnight, after people leave, to prevent people from parking there.

Usually when there's a pro-Trump rally going on in the area, protesters will gather at a Publix parking lot that's about 1.5 miles west because there's more space for people to park their cars. The bridge holds about 40 cars back to back.

Several Trump supporters didn't stop on the bridge but instead waved flags outside of their cars and honked as they drove by.

Most rally-goers said they saw the FBI raid as politically motivated

Trump supporter holds a "Democrats are fascists" sign outside Mar-a-Lago.
Trump supporter holds a "Democrats are fascists" sign outside Mar-a-Lago.Kimberly Leonard/Insider

Mary Ma, an immigrant from China who lives in Orlando, said she was at the rally to support Trump and that she believed the raid was designed to stop him from running in 2024.

According to reporting from several news outlets, the search appears to be over boxes of documents that Trump brought back to Florida when he left the White House. That decision spurred a federal investigation, and likely the search on Monday, linked to the Presidential Records Act.

Legal experts told Insider that the raid of Mar-a-Lago most likely required reviews at the highest levels and convincing evidence supporting a finding of probable cause.

Others saw echoes of "Russiagate"

Matthew Dorffman (right) owns a company that sells pro-Trump merchandise.
Matthew Dorffman (right) owns a company that sells pro-Trump merchandise.Kimberly Leonard/Insider

Matthew Dorffman called the FBI raid a "sham" — comparing it to investigations on the Trump campaign and Russia, as well as the January 6 Committee investigating the attack on the US Capitol.

"They are so worried about him coming back in 2024 and beating them," Dorffman said of Democrats.

Dorffman said he wouldn't be surprised if the FBI raided Trump's Bedminster golf course next, but he said he did not think that the US was on the bring of a civil war.

"Republicans aren't as nasty as they think we are," he said. "I'm not about to go out and just fight someone because they have a different political belief than me."

The situation would have to escalate far more, he said, such as through government firearm confiscation.

They shot down the possibility of a civil war

Lisa Blu of Boca Raton was protesting the FBI raid, saying she worried it could happen to others.
Lisa Blu of Boca Raton was protesting the FBI raid, saying she worried it could happen to others.Kimberly Leonard/Insider

Lisa Blu of Boca Raton, Florida, told Insider that she thought more independents and Democrats would join Republicans after the FBI raid on Trump's home.

"What happened should show the rest of the world that the game is over," said Blu, who writes under that name.

"It is us against the government," she said. "If that could happen to President Trump, it could happen to you or I, to any of us."

But Blu refuted some Republicans' calls for a civil war.

"There is no need for a civil war," she said when asked by Insider about the possibility. "This hopefully brought logical voters together, both middle-of-the-road Democrats and Republicans."

If Republicans take control of the US House in November then they should home in on the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the CIA, she said.



One Trump supporter said she thought the raid was 'outrageous'

Trump supporters parked outside Mar-a-Lago.
Trump supporters parked outside Mar-a-Lago.Kimberly Leonard/Insider

Pat, of Jupiter, Florida, said was attending a Trump rally outside Mar-a-Lago for the first time and that she thought what the FBI had done was "outrageous."

"It will make the Republicans even angrier and they'll support him even more," she said.

Pat declined to share her last name, joking the "IRS will hunt me down," referring to the increase in budget and workforce for the IRS in a forthcoming bill from Democrats.

They want Republicans to launch Trump-related investigations

Trump supporters posted flags on the bridge outside of Mar-a-Lago.
Trump supporters posted flags on the bridge outside of Mar-a-Lago.Kimberly Leonard/Insider

Several Trump supporters said that if Republicans take control of the US House in November, they should use their investigation powers to look into the raid.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California threatened on Tuesday to investigate the DOJ and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

But Pat, of Jupiter, said she didn't support McCarthy for speaker. She'd rather it go to GOP Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, she said. She added that more investigations should take place into Biden's son, Hunter Biden.

Dorffman said that Republicans should also investigate the January 6 committee.

Media gathered to interview Trump supporters and to talk about the raid with Mar-a-Lago in the backdrop

Media presence outside Mar-a-Lago.
Media presence outside Mar-a-Lago.Kimberly Leonard/In

Several other outlets were covering the story on the ground, including NPR, Fox News, and CBS News.

Most people who drove by honked in support, but one man rolled down his windows and yelled of Trump, "Lock him up! Lock him up!"

Flags going across the bridge read, "America First," "Thank You, Trump, and the anti-President Joe Biden chant "Let's go Brandon."

Some people who gathered on Tuesday also protested at the Capitol on January 6, 2021

Ben Polluck, who was a protestor on January 6, holds a flag upside down outside Mar-a-Lago.
Ben Polluck, who was a protestor on January 6, holds a flag upside down outside Mar-a-Lago.Kimberly Leonard/Insider

Ben Pollock said he was outside Mar-a-Lago to support Trump because his own home in Lakeland, Florida, had also been raided by the FBI.

Pollock and his family were in Washington during the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol.


Trump supporters expressed doubts about President Joe Biden's political future

Trump supporter holds a "Trump won" flag outside of Mar-a-Lago.
Trump supporter holds a "Trump won" flag outside of Mar-a-Lago.Kimberly Leonard/Insider

President Joe Biden has said numerous times that he intends to run for reelection, but Trump supporters gathered outside Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday said they had serious doubts that would happen.

Several brought up the clip that has been circulating among conservatives on social media showing Biden having trouble putting on his jacket.

But they didn't have concerns about Trump, who — if reelected — would be the same age Biden was when he became president: 78.

"It's how they progress age-wise," Dorffman said. "Some people live to 100, some people live to 70."

Read the original article on Business Insider