Trump touches down in Israel in search of the ‘ultimate deal’

US President Donald J. Trump has arrived in Israel in pursuit of what he calls ‘the ultimate deal.’ That is peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Can US President Donald Trump solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?— CNN (@CNN) May 22, 2017 He has yet to offer any details on how that can be achieved in the current climate. Car rams pedestrians in Tel Aviv minutes before Trump lands in city— Voice of Europe (@V_of_Europe) May 22, 2017 He will visit two sites in Jerusalem, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where Christians claim that Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected. He will then move on to the Western Wall, a holy site where Jews pray in East Jerusalem. Following that Trump will hold talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The pair are expected to discuss security ties and deepening relations. On Tuesday he will meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.