New twist in saga of delayed major revamp of Solihull 'shopping village'

New-look Knowle Place. -Credit:Picture: BHP Design/Mercia Real Estate/Solihull Council
New-look Knowle Place. -Credit:Picture: BHP Design/Mercia Real Estate/Solihull Council

A proposal to regenerate a shopping precinct will go back before Solihull planners after residents’ grew frustrated at delays. Plans for a revamped St John's Way in Knowle, including housing, a spacious public concourse, a prominent arched entrance, sheltered seating and even a water feature, were first revealed in 2021.

The highly-anticipated scheme was given planning permission in November 2022 but since then - after residents were moved out - little has happened at the site. This led to a 439-signature petition and a 1,266-signature online petition being submitted to Solihull Council stressing concerns the area was being allowed to deteriorate and become an eyesore.

Meriden MP Saqib Bhatti, the authority’s leader Ian Courts and former West Midlands Mayor Andy Street all previously voiced their concerns to developer Mercia Real Estate about the declining precinct and the need for work to begin. It has now emerged a revised scheme is to be discussed at Solihull Council’s next planning committee meeting.

READ MORE: The Solihull 'shopping village' development taking years to happen - and what lies next

Officers recommended it for approval saying the scheme had “economic, social and environmental benefits” and would “enhance the character and appearance of the development”. One of the stumbling blocks has been a Section 106 agreement - a legally-binding obligation between the council and developers Mercia Real Estate - was never signed.

-Credit:BHP Design/Mercia Real Estate/Solihull Council
-Credit:BHP Design/Mercia Real Estate/Solihull Council

New terms are proposed with officers writing: “The affordable housing commuted sum payment of £427,363, to be secured through the section 106 agreement, is necessary to make the proposed development acceptable in planning terms. The trigger point for payment would be on 50 per cent of the occupancy of the relevant housing part of the scheme.

"This would assist in the delivery of the scheme given the economic challenges that face the development currently. The applicant has also agreed to contribute £25k towards a parking displacement scheme in St Johns Close. The trigger point for this contribution would be on commencement of development.”

-Credit:Google Maps
-Credit:Google Maps

The conditions are also set to be altered allowing new shopfronts to be installed - and enabling new businesses to occupy the centre - before other work begins. Committee members will make a decision on the revised plan at the meeting taking place at the Civic Suite on May 15.

The meeting starts at 6pm and the public are welcome to attend. Attempts to contact Mercia Real Estate for comment have been unsuccessful.

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