Two men jailed for life after semi-pro footballer stabbed to death in nightclub

The semi-pro footballer suffered a stab wound to the heart and despite his girlfriend Jess Chatwin desperately trying to resuscitate him, he died at the scene
The semi-pro footballer suffered a stab wound to the heart and despite his girlfriend Jess Chatwin desperately trying to resuscitate him, he died at the scene -Credit:SWNS

Two thugs who stabbed a footballer to death on a nightclub dancefloor after he accidentally bumped into one of them have been jailed for life. Cody Fisher, 23, was knifed in The Crane club in Digbeth, Birmingham in front of horrified revellers in a revenge attack on Boxing Day 2022.

The semi-pro footballer suffered a stab wound to the heart and despite his girlfriend Jess Chatwin desperately trying to resuscitate him, he died at the scene. A court heard Kami Carpenter, 22, and Remy Gordon, 23, hunted down Cody after he accidentally touched Gordon's back in Popworld, Solihull, 48 hours earlier.

Following the "trivial" altercation, they identified him on Snapchat before attacking him with a ferocious" Zombie knife as he enjoyed a night out with friends. The pair punched and kicked Cody - who had played for Birmingham City, Walsall and Stratford Town - before plunging a blade into his chest.

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Carpenter and Gordon were previously found guilty of murder and were yesterday (Monday April 8) jailed for life at Birmingham Crown Court. Gordon was ordered to serve a minimum of 26 years before being considered for parole while Carpenter must spend at least 25 years behind bars.

Within hours of the murder Carpenter, of no fixed abode, booked a £900 flight to depart London Gatwick on December 28 to Kingston, Jamaica. However he was arrested earlier that day with a rucksack and suitcases full of clothes along with £5,500 in cash.

A third defendant Reegan Anderson, 19, was cleared of murder but found guilty of affray after being involved in the disorder. He was jailed for 18 months. Sentencing, Judge Paul Farrer KC said: "At the time of his death Cody Fisher was 23. He was a son, a brother and a committed partner to his girlfriend."

"He was a talented athlete and played semi professional football. His mother described him as brave and fearless and a genuine soul." He said that during the initial incident at the bar the victim had stood up to Gordon who had been left "frustrated and embarrassed" at being "disrespected".

Describing the night of the murder, the judge said: "By 11.40pm Carpenter was in possession of a Zombie knife with a blade of approximately 20cm in length."

"It is likely Gordon was in possession of a knife but I can not be sure. The group had masks covering their faces and Gordon was immediately aggressive. The attack upon Mr Fisher lasted no more than 37 seconds. It involved punches and kicks, including a blow with sufficient force to break his jaw on both sides."

"Mr Fisher was also stabbed in the right thigh to a depth of five centimetres. It was a sustained attack on a man who was significantly outnumbered and had no chance of defending himself."

"The attack ended when Carpenter stabbed Mr Fisher to the chest." Judge Farrer said afterwards Gordon, who was the leader of the group, had "gloried" in what he had done.

He told Carpenter: "Because of the choice of weapon and the way you used it I conclude at the time of the stabbing you intended to kill Cody Fisher." Cody, from Redditch, Worcs., had played for a number of non league Midland clubs, most recently for Southern League Premier Division Central club Stratford Town.

A talented left back, he was well known as a sports coach, played as a Walsall youth trainee and was previously part of Birmingham City's academy. In a victim impact statement Cody's mum Tracey Fisher, said "Since that horrendous day I feel like my own life has ended."

"It is as if I had been stabbed straight through the heart. I instructed my son to stand up for himself and don't let anyone bully him. He was only doing what his mum told him to do. I think about it every day. You never expect your child to be murdered."

"He was my best friend, an angel, he truly never had a bad bone in his body. Cody loved teaching young children and was a PE teacher. He also played semi-professional football, which was his lifelong passion. He was also a great athlete and a barber."

"He loved, cared and respected his family, including his dog. He had more living to do and so much more love and kindness to give to the world."

"How can anyone be so inhumane as to take an innocent life? To put a family through this torture. All I can do, along with his dog, is visit Cody's headstone, to try and make some sense of what happened to him."

Jessica Chatwin, Cody's girlfriend, said: "I have lost my life, my friend and my soul mate. My whole world was shattered when Cody was cruelly murdered. He died in my arms. On that night I remember turning around and seeing the biggest smile."

"When I turned round again he was surrounded. My life stopped that day and that will haunt me for ever. Losing Cody has had a huge impact on my mental health. He was my strength in every situation. My life will always be broken."

Michael Duck KC, prosecuting said Cody's murder had been an "orchestrated group attack which took place "within the confines of a busy nightclub.""

He added: "The background was trivial, of Remy Gordon being affronted by Mr Fisher's refusal to be bullied and cowed by him when there was a coming together."

On Christmas Eve, Cody had been with a friend at Popworld in Solihull where there was a "brief coming together" with Gordon, of Rednal, Birmingham.

Mr Duck said that Gordon had been "looking for trouble" had threatened the footballer and challenged him to fight outside.

Cody left the club but as a result Gordon "harboured very real resentment" about the incident and within a short period of time was in contact with his friends.

Mr Duck added: "Gordon was planning his retribution within 45 minutes of this incident. The planning continued in the course of the next 22 hours."

He said that Gordon was determined to track the victim down and managed to find a picture of Cody which was circulated on a group SnapChat.

At the Crane club, Cody was surrounded by a large group wearing masks and asked to go outside before he was headbutted by one of them.

He was stabbed to the right side of his chest with a six inch blade which had been smuggled into the club, the wound penetrating a main artery to his heart. The blade was left embedded in his body and he was also stabbed in the leg and kicked while on the ground.

His girlfriend had tried to help him and the emergency services were called but he died at the scene. The same group involved also pursued a friend of the victim across the dance floor and repeatedly kicked him until he was able to escape.

Afterwards Gordon went to a fast food outlet, the American Slice in Northfield, where CCTV footage captured him "mocking and smiling" about the killing. Carpenter, of no fixed abode, also admitted to a friend that he had stabbed a man in the chest and left the weapon behind.

Snapchat messages sent by the defendants less than an hour after the stabbing, showed them discussing whether Cody had died, with one saying, "Ah, good he's deffo dead".

Gordon was arrested in London on December 29 that year while Anderson was arrested in January 2023. Detective Inspector Michelle Thurgood, of West Midlands Police, said after the case: "The absolute tragedy of Cody's death is just how avoidable it was."

"For a young man's life to be snatched away, because he'd accidentally bumped into Remy Gordon two days earlier, is almost incomprehensible."

"I'd like to pay tribute to Tracey and her family for their strength in attending court today, and with the dignity with which they have carried themselves since the awful events of Boxing Day, 2022."

"We will continue to work to tackle knife crime in the West Midlands, but police can't do it alone."

"If you are a parent, guardian or teacher watching this, I implore you to please talk to the young people you care for about Cody's story, and how numerous lives have been ruined because of the use of a knife. We can all play a part in ensuring lives are saved in the future."

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