U-turn on £33,000 bill for dropped kerb outside disabled man's home

TRIUMPH: Pietro Bellato of Goldsmith Road in Worcester raises his crutch in joy after he was told the rest of the dropped kerb work would proceed at no extra charge to him <i>(Image: James Connell/Newsquest)</i>
TRIUMPH: Pietro Bellato of Goldsmith Road in Worcester raises his crutch in joy after he was told the rest of the dropped kerb work would proceed at no extra charge to him (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

A DISABLED man lifted his crutch high over his head in triumph after it was agreed his family would not have to pay £33,000 for a dropped kerb.

Pietro Bellato and his wife Angela were overjoyed when it was revealed they would not be charged any more for a dropped kerb outside their home in Goldsmith Road in Blackpole.

The 72-year-old already forked out £3,074 from his savings for the dropped kerb, paid directly to county council contractor Ringway.

But he and his wife were gobsmacked to receive a further estimate of £33,000 because the work would involve diverting 'shallow' fibre optic cables.

The retired floor layer and his wife said the estimate for the work was more than the £35,000 they originally paid for the semi-detached house in 1996.

HAPPY: Pietro Bellato at his home in Goldsmith Road is overjoyed by the decision over the dropped kerb (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

A frustrated Mr Bellato compared himself to an 'anchovy' facing off against a blue whale.

However, Cllr Jill Desayrah, who has lobbied Worcestershire County Council on their behalf, has now been told that county council contractor Ringway and CityFibre have found a solution  - and the Bellatos will not be charged any extra than what they have paid.

"I'm delighted for you both - this is exactly what you need and deserve," said Cllr Desayrah.

FIGHTER: Cllr Jill Desayrah who was in the Bellato's corner from the start earned high praise from the couple after she lobbied on their behalf for the dropped kerb (Image: Supplied)

In a letter, seen by the Worcester News, a council worker writes: "I’ve looked into this matter and am pleased to advise that our contractor Ringway have spoken with City Fibre who are now confident that they can find enough slack in the fibre cable at Goldsmith Road to get it lowered to provide enough cover to enable the vehicle crossing to be installed."

"The work will be undertaken at no additional cost to the residents."

Ringway is in the process of scheduling the work.

RECOMMENDED READING: Goldsmith Road dropped kerb: disabled man asked to pay £33k

RECOMMENDED READING: Goldsmith Road dropped kerb: couple's 'despair' over delay

Mr Bellato said: "I feel so happy and relieved. It's a weight off my mind. When Cllr Desayrah called me it made me smile and I'm very, very happy.

"People were telling me to give up but I said 'I don't want to give up'. It was with the help of everybody, especially Jill (Desayrah).

Mrs Bellato said: "It's a wonderful, wonderful piece of news."

Mr Bellato, who has battled cancer and is waiting to see a specialist about a major hernia while his wife Angela also suffers with mobility issues - she needs a hip replacement and suffers from scoliosis (a twisted spine) and spondylosis.