UK beach with 'Caribbean' feel wows holidaymakers with white sands and turquoise waters

The stunning golden sands and crystal clear waters would be more at home in the Caribbean than the coast of Cornwall
-Credit: (Image: Wiki Commons)

A UK beach has captured the imaginations of people everywhere thanks to its striking resemblance to the idyllic sands of the Caribbean.

Remarkably, the stunning blue waters and golden beaches one might expect in a tropical paradise have been found on Cornwall's coast. This slice of heaven is tucked away at the Carbis Bay luxury estate in St Ives, just a stone's throw away.

TikTok users were left awestruck by footage of this hidden gem shared by @carbisbayhotelandestate. Although the estate features its own private beach, the breathtaking spot shown in the video – known as Pedn Vounder beach – is open to the public.

Located on the southern shore of Cornwall's Penwith Peninsula, it has stirred quite a buzz online.

However, potential visitors should take note of some practical considerations before setting off. Pedn Vounder is a tidal beach; it's swept underwater at high tide and can only be reached when the tide is out, either by boat or by foot for the more adventurous who don't mind negotiating a tricky descent down steep rock.

The beach has also garnered a reputation as a hot spot for naturists, who enjoy how secluded it is and like to sunbathe in the nude. Informative signs are in place to let newcomers know that "naturists may be seen beyond this point".

The website Explore Cornwall cautions that this picturesque location can become crowded during the height of summer and school holidays. If you want to soak up some solitude alongside the sun, they recommend getting there bright and early.

They also point out that while the beach enjoys abundant sunshine at midday due to its south-facing position and sheltering cliffs, it becomes shaded in the late afternoon.

Visitors who have previously enjoyed the beach have shared their glowing experiences online. One particularly impressed visitor took to Google Reviews, commenting: "Totally mind-blowing. What a fabulous colour of water, totally loved it."

Another compared the local beach favourably with far-flung tropical destinations, enthusing: "The best and most amazing beach you can find in the UK. This place made us think we were in the Caribbean."

Further acclaim came from another happy beachgoer who wrote: "Beautiful beach with azure blue water, nice sand, cliffs either side and plenty of space. Water was amazing to swim in."