UK heatwave: How to sleep in hot weather - from Egyptian method to what to wear to bed

hot bedroom
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

We all understand the struggle of trying to sleep in hot and humid weather. The inevitable sweating and tossing and turning can leave you feeling less than refreshed the next day.

But it's not just discomfort that's the issue. High temperatures at night can disrupt your body's ability to regulate its temperature, which can hinder your ability to reach deep sleep, says the Sleep Foundation.

Now according to previous work by Leicestershire Live, it might seem like an insurmountable task to combat the heat, but there are several natural methods to cool yourself down. Interior, bed, and mattress experts at Coast Road Furniture have compiled their advice for staying cool and well-rested this summer.

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Create the ideal sleeping environment

Firstly, take some time to optimise your sleeping environment. Be ready for the next heatwave by keeping your bedroom curtains and blinds shut during the day to stop the sun from warming up the room. As the outside temperature begins to drop, open your windows to let in the cool air and allow it to circulate.

If the temperature outside doesn't decrease in the evening, don't fret: a fan and a bowl of ice can be a simple and effective solution. Just place the bowl of ice in front of the running fan to distribute cold air around the room.

Prepare your bed for summer

Another way to prep your bedroom for summer is by choosing the right bedding. Opt for a 4.5 tog duvet in the summer months to keep comfortably cool.

You may also want to invest in a cooling mattress topper. They're made out of breathable material that keeps you from overheating, and they're incredibly comfortable too.

It might also be worth making a more long-term investment by choosing a new mattress. You can get plenty of options that are perfect for summer, including those with an open memory foam design that helps with air flow, as well as cooling gel foam to regulate body temperature.

Mattresses with a cotton cover will help with breathability and keep you cool during the night. If you're worried about getting too cold in the winter with a cooling mattress, then you can always invest in a double-sided mattress.

These have one cooling cotton side for the summer, and one warm wool side for the winter. All you need to do is flip it over as the season (and temperature) changes.

Wear cool pyjamas

When it comes to dressing for a hot night, you may be surprised to hear that wearing your birthday suit isn't actually the best way to go. This is because when we sleep naked, the sweat we collect can't be wiped away by moisture-wicking material, which means it clings to our body and stops us from cooling down, says Women's Health.

Plus, all that sweat can then soak into your mattress and can make it a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Instead, opt for loose fitting pyjamas that are made from breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen.

Try some other cooling options

There are also a few creative methods that you can use to cool yourself down, one of which is the Egyptian method. All you need to do is to soak a towel or a blanket in cold water, and ring it out as much as possible (or run a short spin cycle in the washing machine if you'd rather).

Once the material is damp but not sopping wet, place a dry towel on the bed, and lie on top of this, placing the damp material over you. Although the Egyptian trick is guaranteed to cool you down, some people tend to find it uncomfortable.

A great way to modify the method to make it less extreme is to put a pair of socks in a re-sealable plastic bag, add a little water, and freeze so you can wear them to bed. Make sure to sleep with a towel underneath your feet to protect the mattress from getting damp.

Alternatively, you could fill a hot water bottle with cold water and stick it in the freezer during the day. At night, take it out and lay it next to you in bed to cool yourself down. Again, remember to stick a towel underneath to keep your bedding nice and dry.

Tom Hughes, digital manager at Coast Road Furniture, said: "When it's a warm, humid night, it can feel almost impossible to drift off to sleep. And if you're tossing and turning all night, you'll find yourself feeling tired and unfocused in the morning.

"Here in the UK, our homes just aren't built for the warm weather - they're made to retain heat instead. Unless you're lucky enough to have built-in air conditioning, the summer nights can feel endless. Luckily, there are some really easy ways to cool yourself down - and you won't need to put up with the humming of an electric fan either. By taking steps to avoid your room heating up during the day, and by investing in cooling bedding, you might find the warm nights much easier to deal with."

"And, if you're still tossing and turning in the heat, why not think outside the box a little? The Egyptian method or a pair of frozen socks are bound to give you some relief from the warmth."

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