UK mini heatwave within hours will see England 'hotter than Ibiza and Italy'

The UK is "officially" hotter than the Balearic Islands - with the country roasting at 22C as May kicks off. A high of 22C was recorded on Tuesday April 30 - and it could get even hotter - as the UK experiences a mini-heatwave which is hotter than Ibiza in Spain.

Met Office forecaster Dan Stroud said: "Western Scotland and Northern Ireland will be among the better places for the spring sunshine with temperatures possibly reaching the high teens." He went on: "We are monitoring cloud that will be over the West Midlands and Wales which could potentially be thundery."

Mr Stroud temperatures in Hull surpassed those of Mediterranean hotspot Ibiza, reaching 20.2C and 19C respectively. The temperatures on April 30 also marked hotter mercury levels than parts of southern Italy, too, the Met Office said.

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In an update on its website, the Met Office has delivered a short-term forecast for swathes of the country. Predicting highs of the high teens in the Midlands, the Met Office said: "Low cloud in the east, burning back towards North Sea coasts leaving many areas with bright or sunny spells. Some showers developing across central and eastern areas, before a risk of heavier rain moving into the far south later."

Looking ahead to Thursday, it added: "Further rain across the south and southwest, with the risk of thunder later. Otherwise largely dry with low cloud gradually clearing." It went on: "Warm for many but cool along North Sea coasts."

The outlook for Friday and into the weekend explained: "Remaining changeable with further spells of rain or showers, particularly in the south. In any drier and brighter interludes it will feel warm away from the east coast."

The BBC outlook adds: "The far south and the north will see the best of sunshine. On Saturday, the north and south-west will be cloudy with spells of rain. Drier and brighter elsewhere."