How UK newspaper front pages covered the Royal Wedding announcement

<em>Britain’s newspapers were overwhelmingly positive towards the announcement of a Royal Wedding (PA)</em>
Britain’s newspapers were overwhelmingly positive towards the announcement of a Royal Wedding (PA)

Yesterday’s announcement of a Royal Wedding was unsurprisingly the main story on the front pages of UK newspapers this morning.

Pictures of a beaming Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were unavoidable across the national papers following the news of the couple’s engagement.

After a 16-month romance, Harry revealed how he got down on one knee as they cooked a chicken dinner at Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace, with Meghan saying she could not wait to say “yes”.


Meet the Markles: The family Prince Harry is joining as he marries Meghan
Royal wedding planners get to work: 13 things to do before Harry and Meghan’s big day
From Charles and Diana to Kate and William: A history of royal engagements (gallery)
Terence Blacker: My guide to Britain for Princess Meghan
Who is Meghan Markle, Prince Harry’s fiancee?

Most of the papers seem to channel the same message: they couldn’t be happier for the royal and his soon-to-be wife.

Here is how the papers view the newly engaged pair’s happy news:

<em>The Sun kept it simple with a full page devoted to Harry and Meghan</em>
The Sun kept it simple with a full page devoted to Harry and Meghan

The Sun had Harry and Meghan dominating the front page of today’s edition, with the pair looking lovingly at each other. The paper revealed Harry spent six months designing the ring – also shown on the font page – which features a “massive” square-cut diamond from Botswana and two stones from Diana’s jewellery collection. An expert estimates the ring is worth £50,000 “but with the use of the late Princess Diana’s diamonds as side stones, this ring, like Kate’s before it, is of inestimable worth”.

<em>The Daily Express features the happy couple gazing into each other’s eyes, showing ‘The Look of Love’</em>
The Daily Express features the happy couple gazing into each other’s eyes, showing ‘The Look of Love’

The Daily Express also uses the beaming picture of the couple arm-in-arm, calling it “the look of love”. Like The Sun, the paper also showed off the engagement ring.

<em>The Daily Mail feature the ‘stars were aligned’ quote that Harry spoke about in the couple’s interview last night</em>
The Daily Mail feature the ‘stars were aligned’ quote that Harry spoke about in the couple’s interview last night

The Daily Mail calls Harry and Meghan’s interview with BBC’s Mishal Husain “one of the most open and extraordinary royal interviews ever”, saying they talked with “refreshing candour” about the proposal. The paper also devoted their entire front page to the couple.

<em>Metro had a Royal Wedding special, declaring Meghan to be ‘One’s One’</em>
Metro had a Royal Wedding special, declaring Meghan to be ‘One’s One’

Sticking to similar themes, Metro splashed their entire front page with a picture of the couple and the engagement ring. The paper said “their look of love says it all” and describes Meghan as ‘One’s One’.

<em>The Daily Star are pushing for the country to have a Bank Holiday on the big day</em>
The Daily Star are pushing for the country to have a Bank Holiday on the big day

The Daily Star produced a Royal engagement special but went with a slightly different line, arguing that the country should be given a Bank Holiday for the Royal Wedding.

<em>The beaming couple waving to photographers and quotes from Harry feature on The Times front page</em>
The beaming couple waving to photographers and quotes from Harry feature on The Times front page

The Times’ placed Harry and Meghan on the top half of their front page, with journalist David Sanderson describing Meghan as a “refreshing departure from the mould of staid tradition”.

<em>The Guardian comment on the changing attitudes to race with regards to the Royal Wedding</em>
The Guardian comment on the changing attitudes to race with regards to the Royal Wedding

The Guardian decided to focus on the issue of race and the Royal Wedding. Afua Hirsh said their upcoming marriage demonstrates the “changing faces of Britain’s attitude to race” and that “their marriage will bring into reality what the British establishment lacked the imagination to conceive of as possible 17 years ago – that a senior royal can love, and marry, someone whose ethnic heritage is not just different to his, but the heritage that has always been most othered in Britain – black and African”.

<em>The Mirror also feature a full front page devoted to the newly-engaged couple</em>
The Mirror also feature a full front page devoted to the newly-engaged couple

Another full front page for the couple in the Daily Mirror, who mention Harry’s belief that his mother and “beautiful” bride-to-be would “be thick as thieves”. Writer Polly Husdon says “it’s just impossible not to be thrilled for the happy couple”, praising “lucky, lucky duck” Meghan for the public’s warm reaction to the announcement.

<em>The Daily Telegraph focus on the Queen’s corgis loving Meghan</em>
The Daily Telegraph focus on the Queen’s corgis loving Meghan

The Daily Telegraph leads with the picture of the pair gazing adoringly into each other’s eyes and points to the sweet anecdote that the Queen’s corgis “took to her straight away”. The paper breaks down the stages of their relationship, from how they met – set up by a mutual friend – to what the future holds, possibly starting a family “in the near future”.