UK to roast in heatwave from Caribbean with three parts of England hottest

The UK is set to roast in a Caribbean jet stream to spark a heat blast across the country in a matter of days. Forecasters from WXCharts and Netweather say the UK will see temperatures in excess of 22C between Thursday, May 30, and Sunday, June 2.

Norwich, London, and the Midlands will be hottest, according to the projections, which are produced using Met Desk data. While the East of England basks in temperatures edging up to the mid-twenties, with the south and London set for 23C highs, some places will languish in the teens with Wales and the south west of England barely managing above 17C.

The Met Office forecast from May 24 to June 2 reads: "Most likely an unsettled start to the period with showers in the west and perhaps longer periods of rain in the northeast, although still some settled weather in between."

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Amid hopes next week could be a return to the balmy conditions of last weekend, which saw highs of 25.9C recorded - the hottest day of the year so far - the Met Office added: "Over the bank holiday weekend a band of rain likely to arrive from the west, becoming weaker as it moves east and becoming more showery in nature with scattered showers also following.

"Into the new week increasingly settled conditions more likely for most, though rain may threaten north-western areas whilst some southern or eastern areas occasionally less settled with showers more likely later in the period though there will be some sunshine between them, the best of this in south-western parts.

"Temperatures are likely to be a little above average, but some large spatial differences are likely." The outlook for June 3 to mid-June adds: "Relatively weak signals for conditions to be markedly different from climatology through the first half of June.

"That said, both temperatures and rainfall are more-likely to be a little above average overall, with further rain or showers (possibly heavy/thundery at times) but also some spells of warm sunshine."