UK tourists flying to Spain, Greece, Portugal face 'lie detector test' at Passport Control

UK tourists flying to Europe face having to sit a LIE DETECTOR test. Tourists flying to Europe could face ‘lie detector’ test carried out by artificial intelligence - in a concerning move impacting British holidaymakers and those jetting off abroad for some much-needed sunshine.

As reported by The Mail on Sunday, the European Union plan to strengthen border security following Brexit. Patrick Breyer, a German MEP, said of the AI body language reader: "It will discriminate against anyone who is disabled or who has an anxious personality.

"It will not work." Experts have warned this technology could risk discrimination against those who have disabilities - even though the software has been trialled twice successfully, as reported by The Mail on Sunday newspaper today (Sunday June 16).

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The iBorderCtrl trial was conducted from 2016 to 2019 across Greece, Hungary and Latvia. AI immigration officers were used to interview applicants and analyse their facial expressions. A second TRESPASS trial was carried out until November 2021.

It tracked "facial expressions, gestures and body postures" to check if a "traveller is telling the truth", according to documents seen by The Mail on Sunday. They analyse a person's facial movements and body gestures as they fill in their application form online or at an airport or ferry port.

And if the AI software deems someone to be lying or acting suspiciously, their file is flagged up to an immigration officer, who can do further checks and refuse entry. It is understood the scheme will be phased in after an initial Entry-Exit System (EES) – due to affect all British travellers from October 6.

Eentually, Britons could be interviewed online by an avatar immigration officer, who will ask questions such as their name, date of birth and purpose of travel. The changes could impact everywhere from Spain and Italy to Greece, Portugal, Turkey, France and Germany.