Universities only spend 90 seconds reading personal statements

Personal statements are being changed by Ucas
Personal statements are being changed by Ucas - fizkes/iStockphoto

Pupils who spend hours toiling over their personal statements may be disappointed to learn that university officials at top institutions will only spend 90 seconds reading them.

A survey of admissions professionals has found that on average, officials spend two minutes reading personal statements. However, the average reading time dropped to 90 seconds at Russell Group universities.

Four in 10 of the 113 admissions officers surveyed admitted reading personal statements for one minute or less.

Tom Fryer, the lead author of the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) study, said: “The Ucas personal statement is a stressful, ambiguous and lengthy process for many applicants, and this simply cannot be justified if the majority of statements are skimmed quickly by admissions staff.”

Overall, only half of survey respondents agreed that the personal statement impacts significantly on admissions decisions. Pupils applying for undergraduate degrees have to write a 47-line essay explaining why they are so passionate about the subject they wish to study.

The HEPI survey found that 88 per cent of officials used the statement to identify whether an applicant has an interest in their chosen course.

Only 40 per cent said they used personal statements to assess academic potential, while 29 per cent look for evidence of learning from work experience and 28 per cent assess participation in extracurricular activities.

Ucas is planning to change the format of personal statements for the 2024-25 academic year, amid claims they give middle-class teenagers an advantage.

Scrapping essay format

It is planning to scrap the essay format. Under new proposals, students will be asked to answer a series of short responses to questions on topics such as their motivation for studying courses, why they are ready to succeed, and any extenuating circumstances that would help put their achievements into context.

HEPI’s research found that “motivation and academic potential” and “other activities and experiences” were the most relevant questions to ask aspiring students.

The think tank has proposed that Ucas asks students two short questions on those topics.

It also recommended giving applicants an opportunity to explain extenuating circumstances, which could include if an applicant has suffered from a chronic illness or bereavement or any context to explain why there is a disparity between grades achieved at GCSE and predicted grades. It found that the majority of admissions officers do take extenuating circumstances into account.

Prof Steven Jones, co-author of the report, said: “We have long known that the Ucas personal statement provides an opportunity for some applicants to gain an advantage over their less privileged peers. While Ucas’s reform is welcome, this survey highlights that the proposals should focus on a limited number of short-response questions, to avoid imposing an unnecessary burden on applicants.”

Clare Marchant, chief executive of Ucas, said: “Our reform work will ensure personal statements add more value, retaining the space for students to advocate for their achievements in their own words while helping universities and colleges to differentiate between applications amid growing demand for places, with up to one million applicants forecast by the end of the decade.

“We continue to consult extensively with all stakeholders to help us refine the theme for the new personal statement questions and we will announce our proposals later this year.”