Unpacking that chaotic and confusing Mr & Mrs Smith ending

mr and mrs smith ending explained
Unpacking that Mr & Mrs Smith ending Amazon Prime

Contains major spoilers for Mr & Mrs Smith

After eight of episodes of top secret missions, tense arguments and iconic guest stars (can Sarah Paulson be our therapist please?), Mr & Mrs Smith ended with an excellently dramatic, albeit slightly confusing, ending and we have been left with some serious questions. Like, who actually killed Max the cat? What happened to John's mum? And most importantly, did John and Jane survive?

If you haven't seen the show yet (we've just given you quite a few spoilers, sorry), the Prime Video series is inspired by the 2005 movie of the same name, and sees two spies John (Donald Glover) and Jane (Maya Erskine) get paired up and given new identities as a married couple, as a way to act as a cover for their covert spy missions.

But after three failed missions, what happens to this spy couple? Here's the full ending of that chaotic finale explained.

jane and john smith
Amazon Prime

What happens in the final episode of Mr & Mrs Smith?

Episode seven ends with John and Jane failing their third mission, after they failed to catch Bev (Michaela Coel). They head home where John makes Jane some soup, before revealing he is going to move out of their house. But unfortunately this breakup is about to get real complicated.

The final episode opens with Jane receiving a message from Hihi instructing her to take out her John. Shocked, she heads out to get a bagel (relatable) and when she returns she goes to feed her cat Max, but is stopped by numerous gun shots going off in the apartment. At this point we're presuming John got the same message as Jane and has decided to shoot through the flat. While Jane manages to come out unscathed, the same can't be said for Max who bleeds out on the counter. Can we take a moment of silence please?

Ok, moment of silence over. Next up we see John walking with his mum, (who is Donald Glover's IRL mum) back to her apartment. As they open the door, they see the bathroom door is open with the toilet seat up. If you remember in episode six, Jane compliments John in the therapy appointment about always putting the toilet seat down. This open toilet, makes John stop in his tracks, as he realises someone else must have been there. He sends his mother away and discovers there are explosives wired to the door. John appears to presume Jane is the one to have placed it there.

He sends her a text to meet up and they meet at the Whitney Museum. They meet at a painting and exchange some words, before agreeing to talk outside. As they exit the revolving doors, Jane places an explosive in the doors to kill John. He manages to escape and a chase between the two through New York ensues.

Jane manages to get back into the house and locks the door, where she discovers John's mum and the two chat about Jane's relationship with John. After Jane ushers her out of the house, John has broken back in and an epic shoot out ensues between the two.

mr and mrs smith
Amazon Prime

John comes out semi-victorious and ends up tying Jane up, before injecting her with truth serum. He then also injects himself and they begin spilling all their secrets. Jane revealed she did love John and she had failed her psych exam for the CIA as they found she had sociopathic tendencies. And remember Jane's marble jar from episode one? She revealed to John every time she did something sociopathic she added a marble to the jar. Her total stood at 78.

Jane also revealed the reason she doesn't talk to her dad, is because he doesn't want her to. John then revealed he been discharged from the marines because of his asthma. Jane also revealed she lied to John about sleeping with two targets in order to make him jealous. As they grow closer back to each other and begin kissing, Jane asks him how he killed Max, which he revealed he didn't. John then asks Jane how she lined his home with his explosives, which she revealed she didn't. They then realise they've been played.

At this moment they head out to find the other John (Wagner Moura) and Jane Smith (Parker Posey) from episode four standing in the hallway. They reveal they're there to kill them as they are what the company calls "finalisers" aka their job is to take out Mr and Mrs Smiths who presumably fail their missions or runaway as did the first Mr and Mrs Smith in the opening of the season. They reveal the person they work for is called "Supe" and that he knows everything about the spies, before even they do. They also revealed the mission they sent the couple onto, in which they killed a man in El Salvador, was also a failed Mr Smith.

John 2, the proceeds to sneeze, which if you remember from episode four comes in threes, and Jane takes this opportunity to shoot John 2 in the eye, and the original John and Jane runaway to the safe room. However, John is bleeding out and time is running out.

mr and mrs smith ending explained
Amazon Prime

Do John and Jane die in Mr & Mrs Smith?

Look, we hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's not looking good for John and Jane. While in the safe room, Jane says she only has one bullet left, while John says he has none and is quickly bleeding out.

Jane decides to open the door to Jane 2 and shoot her to get herself and John out. The scene fades out to the house from the outside and we see three gun shots light up the house. Three gun shots? As we know Jane only had one left, so it's likely even if she did get to shoot Jane 2, Jane 2 had more bullets on her and therefore could ensure both Jane and John were shot and dead. Especially as Jane and John 2 have appeared to be successful in all their missions, and the original John and Jane weren't the best spies, let's be honest, it's likely they were shot and killed.

What are John and Jane's real names?

Let's try and end this on a high, at least we find out John and Jane's real names by the end of the series.

We find out John's first, when his mum turns up at the couple's house in episode eight and starts talking about Michael, which we can then presume is John's name.

And Jane then tells John her real name is Alana while they're in the panic room, and John perhaps rather sweetly says he like the name Jane.

What is the neighbour up to?

One of the most unexpected mysteries of the series was what the 'hot neighbour', as played by Paul Dano, was actually up to.

He appears throughout the series and is a point of contention for John and Jane, with Jane confessing she finds him attractive and often flirting with him, which makes John jealous.

However, it appears he was never actually interested in Jane, just the couple's house. During episode eight, John asks to go through the neighbour's house to get to his home as he's forgotten his key. John goes snooping in his house and discovers detailed plans of his own home in the basement of the neighbour's home.

John confronts the neighbour who reveals he is a real estate agent, who is obsessed with finding out how John and Jane afforded the house and how they managed to convert two historic brownstones into one building and describes the house as his "Moby Dick".

At the end of the series, after all the shooting has ended, the neighbour pokes his head through the door and sees the devastation.

But rather than checking for any dead bodies, he instead backs out of the house and calls his colleague excitedly saying the house is likely to be ready sell.

Well at least someone ended the series happy.

Mr & Mrs Smith is available on Prime Video now

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