Unpacking that very emotional ending of All Of Us Strangers

andrew scott and paul mescal in all of us strangers
Let's unpack the All Of Us Strangers endingSearchlight Pictures

Contains spoilers

If there's one movie we can't stop talking about right now, it's All Of Us Strangers. Starring Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal, and loosely based on the novel Strangers by Taichi Yamada, the movie tells the story of Adam (Scott) and Harry (Mescal) who are brought together after a chance encounter in their block of flats. Throughout the film Adam and Harry get closer, and Adam revisits his childhood home and sees his parents who previously died in a car accident when he was a child.

All Of Us Strangers is a moving story highlighting the power of grief, loneliness and most importantly, love. However, if you left the cinema in floods of tears and slightly confused, you're not alone. The ending of the film was a little confusing, leaving us to question what was real? Who was alive? And who was actually a ghost?

If you've now got over your tears and are prepared to find out some answers to these questions, then this is the full ending explained of All Of Us Strangers.

andrew scott and paul mescal in all of us strangers
Searchlight Pictures

How does All Of Us Strangers end?

After Adam says goodbye to his parents in the diner, which suggests he has finally accepted the sad reality his parents are gone and can begin to process his grief, he heads to Harry's flat.

If you'd been paying attention you may remember we don't ever actually see inside Harry's flat throughout the film. The pair are often in Adam's flat or out together, and we never see Harry on his own.

When Adam reaches Harry's flat on floor six he knocks on the door, but there's no answer. Adam goes into the flat and discovers Harry's body on the bed, wearing the same clothes he had worn the first night he had knocked on Adam's door asking to hang out and have a drink, which Adam had said no to. The bottle of whiskey he had brought to Adam's door is now empty, with the suggestion being Harry drank the remains of the bottle and sadly died.

harry and adam
YouTube / Searchlight Pictures

Harry has in fact been dead throughout the duration of the movie and died to his extreme loneliness, which came in part after his family distanced themselves from him after he revealed his sexuality.

And so, essentially everything that happened between Harry and Adam after that first night when Adam said no to letting Harry in, never actually happened, it was all going inside Adam's imagination.

Harry's ghost then reappears outside his flat, seemingly unaware it is his dead body in the flat and he slowly begins to put together that he is in fact dead and no one had discovered his body or cared that he had died.

Adam and Harry head back to Adam's flat and they cuddle on his bed. Harry asks Adam to put a song on and Adam chooses 'The Power of Love' by Frankie Goes To Hollywood, which was first played at the beginning of the movie. As the song plays the shot pans out, a light grows between them and becomes one star in a constellation of many in the sky. Cue endless tears.

Wait, was Adam also dead too?

Now that we sadly know Harry was in fact a ghost for the majority of the movie, it raises the question, was Adam actually dead too?

There's a lot of clues to suggest he could be. After-all, all the characters we meet in the film are revealed to have been dead, so it would make sense Adam is also part of this afterlife.

adam and harry
YouTube / Searchlight Pictures

Adam lives in a seemingly empty London block of flats (which is very odd for London), which could be another suggestion not everything is as it seems.

Speaking of the building, at the beginning of the movie a fire alarm goes off and the suggestion could be that the fire actually killed Adam and he's been in purgatory ever since, going over the story of his life. Which kinda explains why the building has that eerie feeling to it and why no one else is there.

Either way, we're still going to need a few weeks to recover from the emotional movie.

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