Unspoilt sandy beach where dogs are welcome all year round

Dogs are welcome all year round at Ferring beach <i>(Image: Yvonne Kinasz/The Argus Camera Club)</i>
Dogs are welcome all year round at Ferring beach (Image: Yvonne Kinasz/The Argus Camera Club)

Sussex beaches have been looking picture-postcard in the recent sunny weather.

Camera club snappers are making the most of the sunshine while it lasts with some beautiful shots of the coast from Chichester Harbour to Camber Sands.

Yvonne Kinasz took her camera along for a day at Ferring beach.

The beach is something of a hidden gem near Goring and Worthing and remains unspoilt, with pebble and sandy areas.

An egret fishing on Ferring beach (Image: Yvonne Kinasz/The Argus Camera Club)

Ferring beach is also dog friendly all year round with lots of space for four-legged friends to run and play.

On her day there, Yvonne snapped an elegant egret fishing in the waves.

But the gull she captured was more interested in grabbing a quick meal, snatching the remains of a full English for a snack.

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This herring gull was enjoying the remains of a full English breakfast in Ferring (Image: Yvonne Kinasz/The Argus Camera Club)

Its beak was full of bacon and in the action shot you can see a baked bean falling from the rasher.

Further east, Shannon Cassidy took some fabulous shots of Brighton beach looking unusually peaceful as a paddleboarder took to the shores.

A paddleboarder made the most of the still and sunny weather (Image: Shannon Cassidy/The Argus Camera Club)

The water was incredibly still as June's unseasonably strong winds finally dropped a little.

Even the herring gull Shannon snapped looked serene as it perched on the sandy shores revealed at low tide.

She also caught a great snap of gentle waves rolling in and the Palace Pier.