'Unusual' activities and party atmosphere at two-day family fun extravaganza

A two-day free festival saw a colourful new production premiered in Bacup centre and a host of musical and creative performances in Stubbylee Park, despite the rain.

This Here Festival, organised by Bacup Cultural Consortium, BCC, received Arts Council funding to continue to organise the event for two more years. Megan Leyland, from Waterfoot, who attended with her husband Christopher and son Benjamin, eight months, said: “It has been a surprising weekend full of really quirky, uplifting, fun and unusual activities.

“Sunday was really laid back; we have been really delighted by what we have been able to see.”

On Saturday, attractions were based in Bacup town centre with a theatrical production at the ABD Centre by Goofus Theatre and an evening Women in Music event, along with traditional games on Irwell Terrace.


A giant chess set proved popular, especially with competitive brothers Kirill, 10, and Tymofey Yudin, seven, whose family now live locally after they were displaced from Ukraine. The lively Skiband performed throughout the town, while Victorian Temperance Society members kept people in-line.

Enjoying the Skiband was Patsy McGowan, who said: “I like this kind of music. I got a flyer through the door and I only live on South Street so the event was just round the corner.”

On the market, artist Amy Callaghan, from Pigs in Mud Art Studios, helped children to create their own miniature Viking comic books. Seats soon filled for the Old Time Rags Travelling Show which was performed around the bowtop wagon.

When Phoebe Douthwaite and Laurence Marshall needed help to make music with spoons, Georgie Martin, three, was one of the many young volunteers. Her mum Helen Kitchen said: “I am visiting friends who live here and came along for something to do.

“The performance was really good and I can’t believe it was the first time they have performed the show.”

Sunday’s weather was less than kind, so events were quickly relocated into Stubbylee Greenhouses event space and courtyard. Chair of BCC, Esther Ferry-Kennington said: “As with 2022 and 23, we have continued to deliver fun and free different activities for families. We aspire for our festival to complement other activities that already happen across Rossendale.

“We are very grateful to the greenhouses for allowing us to use the space.”

Baybeat Band livened things up and when they played ‘Bring Me Sunshine’ the sun finally came out. In the event space, an evocative dance performance, The Ballad of the Selkie, by Aimee Williamson, was staged and Valley Aloud choir had the large audience wiping away tears when they sang ‘You Raise Me Up.’

Beverley Shipley, from Rishton, said: “My friend sings in the choir so we came to support her. I love music and they are really good.”

Councillor Andrew Walmsley said: “Even though the weather was against us, people have still come out to see and support what is happening.”

A microgrant also helped to fund free activities at Bacup Museum. Wendy Watters, from the museum, said: “We opened Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We had our D-Day exhibition, told Lewis Banham’s story and children could use our Virtual Reality headsets.”

Member Alan Hughes also dressed in a 1940s’ American Gliders troop infantry uniform.

This Here will be back on June 7 and 8, 2025.