'I utterly refute those accusations': Row erupts over parking in Greater Manchester borough

Cars parked on Castle Street.
-Credit: (Image: LDRS)

A row has ignited in Stockport after Labour and the Lib Dems shot down allegations they are blocking efforts to tackle parking problems in the borough.

Asa Caton, of the Edgeley Community Association (ECA), accused Labour of "point blank refusing" to work with his group over parking and other local matters. The ECA recently launched a survey covering Bridge Hall, Cale Green, Edgeley, and Shaw Heath, which saw more than 1,000 people say parking is a problem on their road.

The group wants to create a plan to solve these issues, which includes expanding the existing match day parking scheme for residents living near Edgeley Park football stadium. This was noted at a town hall meeting in April, alongside a motion from Labour councillors to seek funding for any solutions to tackle problem parking.

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Parking in Edgeley could become more difficult in future after Stockport County submitted plans to add an extra 7,000 seats to the stadium, although the club is creating a new travel plan in advance of this work. The club also won promotion from League Two last year, with the ground regularly packed with fans.

But Mr Caton said Labour councillors in Davenport and Cale Green "chose not" to collaborate with them, and instead want to "to create a second, almost identical plan" about parking.

He posted about the situation on Facebook, and said a Stockport Lib Dem cabinet member has not yet attended a council meeting to discuss options for funding the plan.

He added: "They're [Labour] just point blank refusing to work with us. It's perverse, people wonder why politicians can't get stuff done, I hate politics for politics' sake. The work around the issue is all going to be slowed down because of this. It's peoples' council tax just going to waste.

"Labour councillors are being told not to work with us. I think it's to stop us getting anything done so they can say look how ineffective they are. Stockport council needs to start taking this seriously, we're weeks away from the first match in League One and we're pushing to get things done as fast as we can."

A parking sign in Edgeley.
Edgeley has a match day parking scheme. -Credit:LDRS

Stockport Labour has denied the accusation - saying they simply want to see Cale Green, Shaw Heath, and Bridgehall included in the plan to tackle parking issues.

Paul Wright, a Labour councillor in Davenport and Cale Green, said their door is open to working with the ECA over the problem. He said: "It's really disappointing that the ECA are claiming we don't want to work together on this – that simply isn't true.

"It's also a bit rich that Coun Caton is saying we're doing 'politics for politics' sake' because, in reality, that's what they're doing here. They should apologise and take that Facebook post down.

"We've never not wanted to work jointly on a parking plan. The parking caused by home games at Edgeley Park doesn't just affect Edgeley, it impacts on Shaw Health, Cale Green and Bridge Hall as well.

"The survey that was conducted also touches on wider issues such as the lack of EV charging, the amount of cars on our roads generally and pavement parking.

"What's happening now is there are two separate meetings planned by highways officers: one with Edgeley councillors and another with Davenport and Cale Green councillors. There will then be one joint meeting that will hopefully help produce an agreeable way forward for all areas impacted."

Coun Christine Carrigan, Stockport Labour's deputy leader, added: ''I utterly refute the accusations. Stockport Labour, under the leadership of Coun David Meller and myself, are committed to working with councillors from any group, across the borough, for the benefit of all residents of Stockport.

"I am unsure if the ECA have simply misunderstood the goal of the Davenport and Cale Green ward councillors in proposing their motion to include areas in their ward, similarly affected or are themselves playing politics.

"Regardless, a cross party meeting was arranged at the committee and we hope to see these plans progress for the benefit of the communities who surround Edgeley Park."

Stockport Lib Dems said the council will continue working with Stockport County to improve travel arrangements on matchdays.

Coun Grace Baynham, cabinet member for parks, highways and transport services at Stockport council, said: “I have no recollection of being formally invited to any meeting regarding parking in Edgeley but the cabinet are always happy to work constructively with all ward councillors to tackle local issues.

“Each ward is provided with a delegated budget to move forward schemes that the councillors want to progress, including residents’ parking schemes. Edgeley is no different in this respect and councillors have worked with officers to develop potential schemes for their ward.

"However, the council would not impose a scheme on residents without their backing, so further engagement is required. The football club is looking to expand the ground as the team has continued to progress.

"We cannot preempt the planning outcome for this, but travel arrangements for match days is something that the council will continue to work with the club to improve as the situation develops.”