Captive Tasmanian Devils' Release to Bolster Wild Population

Twenty captive Tasmanian Devils will be released in Tasmania’s Narawntapu National Park, east of Devonport, on Friday, September 25, to bolster the wild population that have been devastated by Devil Facial Tumour Disease.

The Tasmanian Devils are a part of the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program, established by the government to investigate and manage the disease. Devil Facial Tumour Disease is one of only four known naturally occurring transmissible cancers and usually kills the animals within a few months of the cancer becoming visible, according to the project.

The 11 male and nine female devils to be released on Friday will be the first captive devils to live alongside wild populations in Tasmania, according to the ABC. This video shows a Tasmanian Devil named Nutella and her joeys sunning themselves at the project’s breeding facility on Maria Island. Credit: Facebook/Save the Tasmanian Devil Program