Holder Departs as Attorney General

Attorney General Eric Holder ended his term on February 27 with a ceremony that was attended by President Barack Obama. Loretta Lynch will become the new attorney general. Holder is the first African-American attorney general, and Lynch will become the first female African-American attorney general.

After making jokes at Holder’s expense, Obama outlined the attorney general’s accomplishments during his tenure since 2009. He specifically cited how Holder has reformed the Civil Rights Division.

“The beauty of this department is that, at its best, it is like our country at its best — always growing, always changing, always being vigilant in the defense of those values that have distinguished this nation and made it truly exceptional,” Holder said.

Holder said the work of the department is not done. The criminal justice system still needs to be reformed, he said, and the wrongs against native people must be righted. And at all costs, he said, the right to vote must be protected. Credit: YouTube/White House