I visited Dollywood for the first time and here are 8 things that surprised me

I visited Dollywood for the first time and here are 8 things that surprised me
  • I visited Dollywood, Dolly Parton's Tennessee theme park, for the first time.

  • The park had surprisingly steep hills and didn't play many Dolly Parton songs over the speakers.

  • Christianity was more prominent at Dollywood than I was anticipating.

On a recent trip to Tennessee, I went to Dolly Parton's Dollywood theme park in Pigeon Forge for the first time.

Insider reporter Talia Lakritz at Dollywood.
The author at Dollywood.Talia Lakritz/Insider

I also stayed in a Dolly Parton-themed RV through Airbnb, which you can read about here.

Here are eight things I found surprising about Dollywood during my first visit.

The park streamed a mix of contemporary pop and instrumental music over the speakers — but not many songs from Dolly Parton's catalogue.

A view of Dollywood from a bridge
Dollywood.Talia Lakritz/Insider

I assumed that Dollywood would play Parton songs throughout the park all day every day. I was surprised to mostly hear artists like Taylor Swift and the Jonas Brothers as well as instrumental country and bluegrass music, with only the occasional Parton tune mixed in.

There weren't as many photos of Dolly Parton as I thought there would be, either.

A large photo poster of Dolly Parton at Dollywood.
A photo of Dolly Parton at Dollywood.Talia Lakritz/Insider

I expected to see Parton's face around every corner at Dollywood, but I only encountered a few prominently-displayed photos of her during my day in the park.

Nestled in the mountains of Tennessee, Dollywood has some steep hills.

A sign at Dollywood reading "Caution: steep hill."
Dollywood is in the mountains.Talia Lakritz/Insider

Walking around Dollywood turned out to be quite the workout. The park embraces the natural landscape of its location near the Great Smoky Mountains, resulting in some steep inclines.

Christianity was more prominent at Dollywood than I was anticipating.

Shirts for sale at Dollywood that say "One Nation Under God" and "Freedom of religion, not freedom from religion."
Shirts for sale at Dollywood.Talia Lakritz/Insider

Parton has often spoken about how her Christian faith has shaped her life and music, telling People magazine in 2019 that "I've always felt like my music was more my ministry than a job."

My trip to Tennessee was my first visit to the "Bible Belt," where religion plays an outsize role in the region's culture and politics. I knew that Dollywood paid tribute to her Christian upbringing with attractions like gospel music performances, but I was surprised to find souvenirs such as cross necklaces, Jesus iconography, and shirts with Christian nationalist messages for sale.

"We're very much a park that represents the area of the country we're in," Dollywood public relations manager Ellen Liston told me when I asked about the role of religion in the park. "We love that we are literally sitting in the Great Smoky Mountains, and so much of the nature of that and how the people here grew up was very strong faith that God was going to see them through any hard times that may befall them. Dolly grew up here, she's a very spiritual person. You're brought up to believe you treat people the right way. You treat everybody like your neighbor, 'Love thy neighbor as thyself.' Treat people with respect and help them out when they need it. That's the faith-based part that I think you see a lot of here at Dollywood. It's part of our heritage, it's part of who we are. Everybody is welcome."

Amid the roller coasters and restaurants, the park has a chapel that holds non-denominational Christian worship services every Sunday.

A chapel at Dollywood
Dollywood's chapel.Talia Lakritz/Insider

The Robert F. Thomas Chapel is named for the doctor who delivered Parton.

"It's very unique, and we love being unique," Liston said of having a chapel in the middle of the theme park. "One of the things I love about what we are and what we do is that we don't try to be anybody else. We just try to be the best Dollywood we can be. And I think we get that inspiration from Dolly too. She's one-of-a-kind."

Dollywood does not serve alcohol.

A menu for Ham and Beans restaurant at Dollywood
Granny Ogle's Ham and Beans.Talia Lakritz/Insider

Dollywood's DreamMore Resort near the park does serve alcohol at its Song & Hearth restaurant.

While there's no alcohol, free ice water is available all over the park.

A cup of ice water at Dollywood.
The free ice water was a lifesaver.Talia Lakritz/Insider

The driver on the DreamMore Resort shuttle to Dollywood announced that we could ask for free ice water at any vendor with a soda fountain at the park. In the 90-degree heat, that ice water was a lifesaver.

Dollywood did have plenty of rainbows, but nothing clearly celebrating Pride Month.

A rainbow decoration at Dollywood.
Rainbow decorations at Dollywood.Talia Lakritz/Insider

I visited Dollywood in June, also known as Pride Month. Since Parton is known as a queer icon and staunch LGBTQ+ ally, I thought Dollywood might acknowledge Pride Month in some way.

While rainbows are a part of Parton's vibrant style and were all over the park, I didn't see any explicit mentions of Pride Month the way Disney parks mark the occasion with pride flag floral arrangements and cupcakes.

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