Voices: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 60 Minutes interview was an utter travesty

Voices: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 60 Minutes interview was an utter travesty

Last night, the venerable CBS news program 60 Minutes featured Lesley Stahl’s interview with Marjorie Taylor Greene. The show used 15 of those 60 minutes to introduce Greene to the handful of viewers who might not already be very familiar with the ultra-right-wing firebrand in Congress, and to present a gussied-up image of Greene in an attempt to reassure those on the fence about supporting her.

What the interview unfortunately accomplished was to normalize her, a woman known for her racist, antisemitic, anti-immigrant, transphobic and homophobic comments. Though Stahl tsk-tsked here and there, and called Greene (oh horrors!) “glib,” the only direct pushback came when Greene asserted that she believed, as she’s repeatedly stated, that Democrats are pedophiles. “They are not pedophiles,” Stahl protested. “Democrats support, even Joe Biden, the president himself, supports children being sexualized and having transgender surgeries. Sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children.” Greene of course retorted, and Stahl let that remark stand with just a “wow” and a head shake.

Those who, like me, hoped the interview would either not happen at all (saner heads at CBS prevailing), or that it would be a Mike Wallace style exposé of this dangerous woman, were frustrated, disappointed and angry watching the puff piece. There was Marjorie strolling past her lovely Georgia home, chatting with Lesley, powerlifting at the gym (She’s so strong! So competitive!) There were photos of her in a hardhat on a construction site (Her successful family business!) and with her children. There was a clip from Trump’s recent Waco rally, where he declared he would “fight like hell” for Greene if she ran for the Senate (She’s been boosted by the Former Guy!)

Greene’s outrageous stance against the US involvement in Ukraine, one of her central shouting points, was only mentioned in a P.S, a three minute online 60 Minutes addendum to the interview, likely not seen by the majority of the show’s core viewers.

What was the thought process here? By presenting Greene in a largely positive, or at least neutral, light, were the network honchos hoping to lure in some Fox watchers? Were they tying themselves in knots to appear “fair and balanced” by giving a chunk of airtime to someone who advocates for the US to divide into two countries, and who harassed David Hogg, a Parkland shooting survivor, on the street? Those extreme views and actions were just briefly alluded to, whereas in reality they are hallmarks of the MTG brand.

The poised, calm woman sitting opposite Lesley Stahl was a stark contrast to the nasty heckler who screamed, “Liar!” during President Biden’s State of the Union address, who “liked” an online post suggesting Nancy Pelosi be murdered. The Marjorie presented last night was someone you might run into at the country club or a PTA function; you might disagree with her politics, but she’s fundamentally OK (and her constituents just love her, so how bad can she be?).

For half a century, 60 Minutes has been a jewel in the network news crown. But the show’s softball sit down with Marjorie Taylor Greene was a travesty. In these times, where truth itself has become a matter of degree and debate, CBS was less than honest, serving up an almost flattering portrait of a plain-spoken Southern gal who just happened to have been weaned on far-right talk radio. There is nothing positive or laudable about the things Greene is saying and doing in Congress. She is a disruptor and would-be destroyer of our democracy. By giving Greene more publicity, and softening her rough edges, the media are continuing down a perilous road that they began walking when they helped create the Trump phenomenon that led to his disastrous presidency.

Sometimes, to maintain your integrity, you have to sacrifice things like ratings. In this case, a long-respected broadcast news organization chose not to make that sacrifice. Not only did this interview chip away at the 60 Minutes jewel, it tarnished the whole crown.