Walker brute attacked girlfriend and threatened to blind her with acid in sick messages

Bradley Hall
Bradley Hall -Credit:Northumbria Police

A Newcastle man attacked his partner before bombarding her with terrifying and threatening calls and messages after she broke up with him.

Bradley Hall assaulted his then-partner after an argument about where she'd stayed and pushed her and kicked her. But after the assault, she broke up with Hall, who then began hounding her with threatening calls and messages.

During one terrifying exchange, the 25-year-old said he would "blind" her with acid and that he would "smash" her face in. He also told her he would go "berserk with a knife".

This week, Hall, of Julian Avenue, Walker, Newcastle, appeared at Newcastle Magistrates' Court to be sentenced for assault occasioning actual bodily harm and sending a communication conveying a threatening message. He had pleaded guilty to the offences, which were carried out in June last year.

The court was told that Hall and the woman had been in a relationship since January 2023, but things came to a head months later on June 5. Jennifer McElvin, prosecuting, said: "[The victim] returned home and an argument about where she had stayed [broke out].

"He started throwing things and was pushing her in the chest. She fell to the floor and he pulled her over and kicked her. He pushed his head with force into hers." The court heard that days later, the relationship ended but Hall began bombarding her with calls and messages from unknown numbers after she blocked his.

Ms McElvin said Hall told the woman, 'watch me go berserk with a knife' and 'I'm going to blind you with acid you b****'. He also said 'I'm happy to come and smash your face in' and 'your face will be rearranged'. He also told her, 'I'm going to make your life Hell until you're six-feet under'.

Denise Jackman, defending Hall, who had six previous convictions for seven offences, including harassment in 2021, said he "regrets this matter". She said the calls and messages were over a short period of time "without sitting down and thinking about what he was putting in the messages".

She added: "He is very upset and shocked he sent these messages to her. He did say [in interview] she had been very good to him."

Sentencing Hall, District Judge Paul Currer said the messages he sent were "vile and despicable" and that he "completely lost self-control". Hall was given 12 months prison, suspended for 18 months and must pay £200 compensation and £200 costs.

He must also complete 30 sessions or a relationships programme as well as 20 rehabilitation days. A two year restraining order was also imposed.