The Walking Dead is allowed to use the F-word in season 8

The Walking Dead is perhaps the one television show which truly justifies its characters swearing considering they're caught up in a zombie apocalypse and continually hunted by bloodthirsty dictators. However, strict rules placed on the AMC series has meant it's had to censor the word "f*ck" from every episode for the past seven seasons.

This could be a thing of the past following reports that a new guideline has "been relaxed" meaning Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and the gang may be dropping a few more F-bombs in the forthcoming eighth season - according to Fear the Walking Dead showrunner Dave Erickson, anyway.

“You get a specific number of curse words you can say, and then there’s a list of what you can and can’t do,” he told

“I think it was our script coordinator who told me there was an email had come up. There had been a memo saying we could now say ‘f*ck’ twice over the course of an entire season.

"I don’t know at what point AMC corporate decided to allow it, but they did.”

While not a true mark of good writing, there have certainly been moments in the show's history which would have benefited from the use of a swear word - most notably the final moment of season five and Negan's itroductory speech which saw producers go so far as to film expletive-filled versions of the scenes with especially for the DVD boxset release.

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