The Walking Dead season 7: Fans think they spotted a pretty big error in latest episode

The latest episode of The Walking Dead season seven introduced viewers to new character Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh) and her mysterious faction - not to mention one of the most insane walkers the series has seen - however, one scene left fans scratching their heads after spotting what they thought was a huge mistake.

The moment in question occurred when Rick (Andrew Lincoln) got taken to the “up up up,” the apex of a huge pile of rubble situated in a large junkyard where Jadis' people - branded The Scavengers by fans - reside.

The backdrop, which was achieved using green screen, saw something fly past Rick's head in the distance, many believing it to be a plane which would be quite a big revelation considering the series takes place in a zombie apocalypse.

Was that a plane behind Rick's head? Is it supposed to be there or is it a blooper? @WalkingDead_AMC

— Molly Ehret (@MollyEhret) February 20, 2017

While making viewers look twice, the moving object is clearly not a plane or UFO, but a bird - not a stretch to imagine considering birds would likely be hanging around scrapheaps.

So no, don't expect Negan to unveil a surprise plane in a future episode, and don't get excited for a Fear the Walking Dead crossover.

You can read our review of the episode - which featured an emotional reunion between two of the show's original characters - here.

The trailer for next week's Negan-centric episode, 'Hostiles and Calamities,' has been released showing Eugene as The Saviours' prisoner.

This week, Primark pulled a Walking Dead-inspired t-shirt range from its stores following complaints from a customer that it was 'racist' and 'offensive.' Negan actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan himself criticised the decision, branding it "stupid."

The Walking Dead airs in the US on Sundays and in the UK on FOX, Mondays at 9pm.