Warning to parents as police catch nearly 40 children skipping school in Boston

Officers speaking to a young person in Boston as part of Operation Absence
Officers speaking to a young person in Boston as part of Operation Absence -Credit:Lincs Police

Lincolnshire Police have issued a warning to parents across the county after they caught nearly 40 students skipping school. Officers were on patrol in Boston on Tuesday, May 7 looking out for children who were not at school or in an education setting.

The four local schools that joined the patrols in Boston included Thomas Middlecott Academy, Giles Academy, Haven High Academy and Boston High School. The police powers used to return the children to school fell under S16 (2) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the Education Act 1996, which is legislation that covers the requirement for children to receive an education suitable for their age, ability and aptitude in school or otherwise.

Police say close to 40 children were engaged with in Boston during school time and plans are in place to broaden coverage of police patrols in the coming weeks. Sergeant David Robinson, who oversaw the operation, said: "Truancy from school impacts on young people’s education and future.

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"Whilst being absent without authorisation young people can be influenced in a negative way by peer groups. There is often no appropriate adult oversight and their whereabouts are unknown. Young people are at risk of being groomed into broader criminal activity as well as being persuaded to behave in an antisocial manner.

"This in turn can have an impact on members of our community through making some of the more vulnerable people feel uncomfortable or even unsafe, rendering them reluctant to freely go about their daily business. We want people to feel safe living in, working in and visiting Boston."

PCSO Marie Williams, from Boston's Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: "The ultimate aim here is to keep young people safe. Areas patrolled were targeted based on qualitative and quantitative information and/or intelligence showing areas of increased antisocial behaviour, criminality and areas believed to have a high level of gatherings by those truant from school.

"Home visits occur when proportionate, especially where casework has been ongoing and identifies a persistent absence, attendance is a cause for concern and /or there is a perceived risk to the child."