Watch: Biden addresses social security and medicare in Tampa

Biden (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
Biden (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Watch as Joe Biden discusses his plan to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare, and lower healthcare costs.

The trip to Tampa, Florida, came days after he made his State of the Union address and was his second of the week.

On Wednesday, the president promoted his economic plan in Wisconsin.

Today though, Mr Biden looked to drive home his pledge to protect Social Security and Medicare and looked to draw a sharp contrast with an emerging Republican foil, senator Rick Scott.

Mr Scott is the architect of a plan that would sunset all federal legislation – including Social Security and Medicare – every five years and require Congress to approve them again.

“He says, ‘All federal legislation sunsets every five years. If the law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again,’” Biden said yesterday, reading from Mr Scott’s “Rescue America” brochure.