Watch live: Iowa caucuses choose Republican presidential candidate

Watch live as voting takes place for the Republican nomination for president in Iowa, marking the start of the 2024 presidential election.

The Iowa caucus is the first event in the election calendar, and Republican party members will vote in libraries, schools, churches, fire stations and even private homes, as they make their pick for who will represent their party in the battle for the White House.

Donald Trump stormed to an early victory, according to multiple projections, posting a double-digit victory, eight years after he lost the Iowa caucuses to Sen Ted Cruz of Texas.

The race for seond place between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and for UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is where the real contest is, with the pair neck and neck in polls as voting began.

Follow along live on The Independent’s liveblog, with coverage from correspondents in Des Moines, Iowa, Washington DC and New York City.