A weekend away takes a killer turn in trailer for horror film A Wounded Fawn

In horror movie A Wounded Fawn (the trailer for which you can see below) a museum curator named Meredith is taken for a weekend away at a remote, and quite delightful, cabin by her new beau, Bruce. What the audience knows, but Meredith does not, is that Bruce is a homicidal maniac who plans to make the long drive back on his own. If the result is predictably bloody and violent the film also takes a surprising swerve away from traditional horror tropes into a more surreal and phantasmagoric arena. A Wounded Fawn stars Sarah Lind (Jakob's Wife), Scare Me and Werewolves Within filmmaker Josh Ruben, and Malin Barr (Honeydew).

A Wounded Fawn
A Wounded Fawn

Peter Mamontoff/Shudder Malin Barr as Alecto in 'A Wounded Fawn'

The film is directed by Travis Stevens, who previously brought us 2019's CM Punk-starring tale of toxic masculinity The Girl on the Third Floor and last year's Jakob's Wife, a vampire movie with Barbara Crampton and Larry Fessenden. Stevens co-wrote the screenplay for A Wounded Fawn with Nathan Faudree. The director describes his film to EW as "a hallucinogenic cocktail of Greek mythology, surrealist paintings, and 1970's genre cinema, [which] aims to put the audience inside the minds of both a serial killer and his latest victim."

A Wounded Fawn premieres on the streaming service Shudder on Dec. 1. Exclusively watch the film's trailer below.

A Wounded Fawn
A Wounded Fawn

Shudder Poster for 'A Wounded Fawn'

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