Your Weekly Horoscopes: September 11 to 17, 2022

Expectations are broken as the sun connects with innovative Uranus on the 11th. Just because you’re supposed to do something one way doesn’t mean that’s the only way to do it. Mercury’s still retrograde so it’s best to take the time to consider all possible paths before moving ahead. Relationships of all kinds come under pressure on the 16th when love planet Venus squares off with Mars—an aspect that brings issues or tensions that first came up back in early March to a breaking or resolution point. On the same day, the sun faces off with Neptune (an aspect found in the chart of enigmatic celebs like Cate Blanchett and George Clooney), putting a dreamy or possibly overwhelming spin on the day. Things that come up now may not be the full truth so wait for the rest of the story to be revealed.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

Your Monthly Horoscopes: September 2022

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

That project (or fitness plan) that you’ve been procrastinating for months and months finally gets up on its feet when the sun connects with Uranus on the 11th. Act fast once you feel the hit of inspiration as this is energy to lean into, not take for granted. Though there’s still some quirkiness with how everything fits into your schedule, you have the momentum so go with it.

This week’s mantra: “Onward!”

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

If your romantic life has been pretty stagnant over the last few weeks, expect things to take a turn when the sun connects with Uranus on the 11th. This is a great transit for updating photos on your Hinge profile, scheduling an impromptu date night with your hubby or treating yourself to a night of love and self care. You’re learning more and more about the differences between what you want and what you need. It’s OK to have a little bit of both.

This week’s mantra: “I deserve sweetness.”

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Mercury retrograde continues to bring ex lovers out of the archives for you, Gemini. And though it might seem pointless to revisit some of these failed connections, you never know! It could be healing to meet up and get an apology from someone who’s now realized how deeply they broke your heart. As Venus squares off with Mars on the 16th brace yourself for a deep, cathartic conversation.

This week’s mantra: “My present has a future, and also has a past.”

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Your anxiety has been through the roof lately and the only thing that’s been able to calm you down and cut through the worry is keeping as busy as possible. And truly, you are booked! But as the sun connects with Uranus on the 11th, you get an unexpected moment to take a break and have a tender heart to heart with a close friend. If you need to cry, let it all out.

This week’s mantra: “I deserve release!”

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

You thought you were several years out from that raise or increase to your retirement fund, but as the sun connects with Uranus on the 11th, you get a surprise boost to your cash flow! This may come as an opportunity to pick up more shifts or take on a freelance project so if an offer comes, run with it! Mercury’s still retrograde so there may be confusion about invoicing or the payment schedule, but despite delays, abundance is coming your way!

This week’s mantra: “I deserve abundance.”

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

It’s back-to-school time! Whether you’re starting grad school or your kid is off to kindergarten, it’s your favorite time of the year! The syllabus is set, the perfect Pilot pens are acquired and you haven’t yet had a chance to get behind on homework yet. As the sun connects with Uranus on the 11th, you’re inspired to dig into a book or dive into some research. It’s never a waste of time if you’re learning.

This week’s mantra: “There’s so much I don’t know!”

Libra (September 23 - October 21)

This week’s transits force you to face your shadow side. What self-sabotaging behaviors are preventing you from living your best life? As the sun connects with innovative Uranus on the 11th, you have a breakthrough during a therapy or meditation session. But what comes next is integrating this newfound wisdom into your day to day life. Time to bring this to the light!

This week’s mantra: “I deserve peace.”

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

Whether you’re looking for a new job or struggling to own your power in your current position, this week comes with an opportunity to bond with some unlikely allies—the friend of a friend who emails you with an ideal job opportunity, the quiet coworker who’s secretly been on your side this whole time. Don’t shy away from these advances! Gather your team!

This week’s mantra: “I’m not alone.”

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

As the sun connects with disruptive Uranus on the 11th, you may experience a sudden shift in your work responsibilities or routine. This is a positive change, freeing you from annoying obligations so you have more time to work on what’s really important to you. Celebrate your freedom with your partner or BFF over the weekend. You deserve it!

This week’s mantra: “I deserve freedom!”

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Inspiration hits as the sun connects with innovative Uranus on the 11th. This week is one for diving into your creativity whether that’s starting a ceramics class, committing to daily journaling or just free drawing with your kids. Play is an important part of your self development. How can you make sure there’s more of it in your life?

This week’s mantra: “If it isn’t fun, I’m not doing it!”

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The nest egg you’ve been praying for arrives as the sun (our life force) connects with Uranus (innovation) on the 11th. A family member comes through with the cash you need to get a bigger apartment, make a downpayment or catch up on back rent. Lean into this offer while it’s available and while others are willing to be extra generous. It’s OK to accept support!

This week’s mantra: “I deserve support!”

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You’ve been putting off a tough conversation with your boyfriend or business partner because you’re nervous to hear their side of the story! But as the sun connects with Uranus in your social sectors on the 11th, you find that it all goes down smoother than you expected. Phew! How can you tend to your nervous system so you don’t get this twisted up over something in the future?

This week’s mantra: “The first step is untying the knot.”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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