These are some of the weirdest weapons that the TSA has confiscated from passengers

These are some of the weirdest weapons that the TSA has confiscated from passengers

The days around July Fourth are some of the peak travel dates of the year for domestic flights in the US. This weekend, the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) is going to be busier than usual, screening bags in an attempt to ensure everyone travels free of terrorism or other safety threats. 

In an attempt to positively influence its sometimes-problematic public image, the TSA has been operating an Instagram account since June 2013. The account has over 70,000 followers and shares images of the items that passengers attempt to bring in carry-on baggage — including elaborate and pretty dangerous-looking weaponry.

Below are some of the most bizarre items that people thought would be okay to bring onto an airplane.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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