Where are Jeff and Shaleia Divine now? The Twin Flames YouTubers

 Where are Jeff and Shaleia Divine now, as illustrated by a photo of them next to a pool.
Where are Jeff and Shaleia Divine now, as illustrated by a photo of them next to a pool.

Where are Jeff and Shaleia Divine now? Documentaries about controversial Twin Flames YouTubers are airing, leaving viewers questioning what they are up to now.

Journalist Alice Hines wrote an exposé for Vanity Fair on the controversial couple behind the online match-making service Twin Flames Universe, that brought documentary makers running. First, Prime Video aired Desperately Seeking Soulmate: Escaping Twin Flames Universe, and now Netflix have released Escaping Twin Flames. Albeit with different approaches, both series explore the claims of founders Shaleia and Jeff Devine, whose online Twin Flames Universe utilised allegedly controversial methods to help members find their one true love. Those trying to escape the cult-like clutches of the service and their family, also have their say.

Viewers tuning in to the documentaries are curious to know exactly what the couple did, and where Jeff and Shaleia are now - read on for everything we know. We've also looked into the whereabouts of Belle Gibson now, the influencer who faked having cancer to make money, and what happened to fake CIA Agent William Allen Jordan. More upliftingly, we've shared an update about Diana Nyad now, whose remarkable achievements are being recognised in a documentary.

Where are Jeff and Shaleia Divine now?

Jeff and Shaleia Divine are still running, and continue to grow their Twin Flames Universe from their home. Their website offers Twin Flames Ascension Coaching, various books and courses for sale, and a members only protected area.

Ascension Coaching is described as "The secret to unlocking the full potential of The Teachings of Union," offering "The support of a highly trained professional to help guide you to navigate this journey" Told there is a need to pay between $20-$200 per session, potential candidates are offered "The Teachings of Union guarantee the way to your Harmonious Union with your Twin Flame and will help to bring you not only your beloved Twin Flame but a permanent sense of deep peace, abundance, joy and an eternal connection to love within yourself."

When Hines’s article uncovering the controversial methods used to find an apparent Twin Flame, many left the universe. However, not to be discouraged, Jeff and Shaleia have managed to build their following back up again, with some considering their business to be a cult. "That, to me, was another reason why I couldn’t really drop this topic because it’s not a purely historical phenomenon," Hines told Vanity Fair.

She added "They are still recruiting people, and they primarily target people who are lonely or brokenhearted, people who are unlucky in love." The journalist hopes the new documentary will once again discourage people from joining. She says the documentary shows how the group "dupes people with the promise of love. There’s all of these ways that people can kind of get tricked and find not love, but something that’s actually a lot of times traumatic."

The pair continue to post regularly to the Twin Flames Universe Instagram account, which has over 35,000 followers. A recent post read "Does your Twin Flame recognise your deep connection? If not, a common block here is that you are not recognising the TRUE PURPOSE of your Union, which is also causing a disconnect in them. Treating them like a soulmate will result in confusion.

Seeing them as your Ascension Partner will bring recognition. Jeff and Shaleia are Ascension Partners, and this is what they teach. Their commitment is to support each other into perfect Union with God. This is what makes their partnership so strong: they hold the confidence of God. Are you ready for your teacher? Tell us in the comments! Get your first session with an Ascension Coach today and illuminate the path to Love's highest connection."

What did Jeff and Shaleia do?

It's been alleged that Jeff and Shaleia's Twin Flames Universe encourages members to access their so-called twin flame at all costs - this includes stalking, and even influencing their gender identity and sexual orientation.

One victim relayed to the New York Post, that he'd ended a relationship with a Twin Flames member, who went on to send threatening messages, relentlessly call, and follow him - even to other countries. He was forced to get a restraining order, which the woman violated repeatedly, until she was arrested.

The man later found the woman had been pushed into her actions by Jeff and Shaleia, although the couple maintain a denial that they condone or enforce such behaviour. Bail for the woman stalking was set at $150,000, and she was charged with 17 counts related to harassment and violating the restraining order. She later left the Twin Flames classes.

A report in the Daily Mail suggested some students will "discover a new divine gender" under Jeff and Shaleia's guidance, but aren't pressured to change their outward appearance. However, some students reportedly suggested that many did then choose to then alter their names, pronouns, and the way they dress.

Apparently ten former members of the group asserted "The Twin Flames Universe is coercing vulnerable people who have never experienced gender dysphoria to transition," with one former member adding "If those people in there are happy, I hope so. But I just think it’s all too likely that indoctrination made them believe that they were trans when they were fine before." Jeff and Shaleia continue to reject the notion they've ever coerced people to change their gender.

Actress Stephanie Beatriz has lent her voice to a podcast about the couple and their universe. Speaking to Vulture, she said "What accreditation do Jeff and Shaleia have? They aren’t therapists. They’re not offering any courses in life coaching. In fact, they’ve made up their own course. Where they are the gurus, but now Jeff saying he’s pretty much the second coming of God.

I have to be careful what I say because that universe is very strong. But I think Jeff and Shaleia were really deeply in love with each other, and maybe at one point they really thought, 'Gosh we have something super special, and we wanna share it with the world.' They have also profited from the pain of a lot of people. I think anytime that that’s happening, we’ve got to turn in on ourselves and say to ourselves, 'What am I doing, and why have I created this universe?' Is it really, truly to help other people find the ones they love or is it maybe something a little darker?"

Shaleia Divine
Shaleia Divine

Where do Jeff and Shaleia live?

Jeff and Shaleia live in Michigan, with their daughter, Grace.

After being told they had issues with fertility and undergoing IVF, Shaleia then fell pregnant naturally. A statement on the couple's website reads "After two unsuccessful rounds of IVF, with both of us quietly hoping the second round, making use of a donor egg, would not succeed, we decided the total cost of IVF was not worth it. We let it go and gave it to God."

It continues "After some time of doctor mandated recovery from IVF, we decided to go it on our own. We wanted a family of our own, we wanted to express our teachings in family as we had in marriage. We wanted to show others what family could be when The Teachings of Union were applied. We wanted to share our joy with you here. We weren’t going to give up and we were going to leave it to God what soul or souls would come through to be with us as family."

On April 25, 2023, Shaleia wrote on Instagram "Grace Violet Divine is born! A beautiful 8 pounds 7 ounces. She captured our hearts immediately. I am grateful to God for this gift."

Shaleia recently shared pictures of the Michigan fall colours to Instagram, writing "Fall colors are almost peak up in northern Michigan! Our family has been enjoying every moment of Autumn here and getting in as much afternoon hikes as we possibly can. Grace just loves being outside. She’s so curious and calm when she’s out in nature with us. It’s important to us that outside is as much of a 'classroom' for her as inside. Everything is so new to her, so it’s a joy to watch her discover life outside the womb."

How can I watch the Twin Flames documentaries?

Desperately Seeking Soulmate: Escaping Twin Flames Universe is streaming exclusively on Prime Video, while Escaping Twin Flames is exclusive to Netflix.

For access to Amazon Prime, you can either pay £8.99 per month or £95 per year. If you only want access to Prime Video, that will cost £5.99 per month, but there won't be any of the Amazon Prime benefits available, such as free next day delivery.

To try it out, first time users are eligible for a free trial. This will last 30 days and is open to those who haven't been a Prime member in the previous year - although once 12 months is up, you are once again eligible for another free trial. The website will guide you to begin your trial, with an on-screen guide.

Netflix currently has four different pricing plans. The cheapest is £4.99 per month where viewers will watch content featuring ads. Subscribers can only watch on one device at a time and won't be able to download. For £7.99 per month, members can view content on one device at a time in standard definition.

The £10.99 per month Standard subscription allows for HD viewing on two devices at a time, while an upgrade to £17.99 would get you Premium subscription - the ability to watch in Ultra HD on up to four devices at a time.

We also have information on Vjeran Tomic now, the so-called Spiderman of Paris. With the plentiful Wagatha Christie shows and documentaries available, we've also looked at the whereabouts of Rebekah Vardy, and her agent Caroline Watt.