Where Are They Now: The Stars Of The Clinton Impeachment Scandal

Clinton and Hillary Clinton
Clinton and Hillary Clinton

AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton watches President Clinton pause as he thanks those Democratic members of the House of Representatives who voted against impeachment in this Dec. 19, 1998 file photo.

News emerged this week that Edward Snowden had obtained legal counsel from Plato Cacheris, who worked on high-profile espionage cases and also represented Monica Lewinsky.

This news got us wondering about what Cacheris and other major stars of the 1998-1999 Bill Clinton impeachment have been up to since the biggest presidential scandal since Watergate.

To refresh your memory: The saga can be traced to an allegedly shady 1978 real estate deal the Clintons were involved in through their company Whitewater Development Corp.

Kenneth W. Starr was appointed in 1994 as independent counsel to investigate Whitewater, which never resulted in criminal charges against the Clintons. However, about four years later he dug into more salacious parts of Clinton's past when Pentagon employee Linda Tripp told him about her friend Monica Lewinsky's affair with the president.

Clinton famously denied having " sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky ," a former White House intern who was just 21 during their affair in 1995. However, Clinton was forced to fess up after she produced a stained dress that commemorated their fling. He was later impeached by Congress for lying about the affair, meaning he was formally charged with misconduct.

Clinton also allegedly urged Lewinsky to hide their affair after she was subpoenaed by lawyers for Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee who accused Clinton of sexual harassment.

As you probably recall, the Senate acquitted Clinton of both perjury and obstruction of justice in 1999. We know what Clinton has been up to since then. Here's what the other big Monicagate players have been doing, starting with Lewinsky herself:

Monica Lewinsky

Monica Lewinsky
Monica Lewinsky

AP Photo/Richard Drew

Monica Lewinsky shows one of the handbags from her spring collection to a customer at a New York department store Wednesday March 22, 2000.

Not long after the Clinton scandal, the diet company Jenny Craig hired the full-figured Lewinsky as a "celebrity" spokesperson. She then moved to Manhattan in search of a second act, becoming a socialite who designed purses. Later, she decamped for London, where she earned a master's degree from the London School of Economics.

Lewinsky largely avoided the spotlight until May 2014, when she wrote an account of her affair with Clinton in Vanity Fair.

In 2012 The New York Post reported she was working on a sexy tell-all memoir. She has yet to release such a book, but if she does, it could certainly put a damper on Hillary Clinton's expected presidential run.

Plato Cacheris

Plato Cacheris
Plato Cacheris

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Former CIA officer John Kiriakou, right, and his lawyers Plato Cacheris, left, and John Hundley, leave federal court in Alexandria, Va., Monday, Jan. 23, 2012.

Lewinsky's lawyer Cacheris made the news recently when it became known that Edward Snowden had obtained his counsel last summer to try to reach a plea deal that would let him come back to the U.S.

Since representing America's most famous intern, he has worked on high-profile espionage and whistleblower cases. Perhaps the most important case he worked on involved John Kiriakou, a former CIA analyst who blew the whistle on the agency's torture program and is currently serving a 30-month prison sentence.

Cacheris also represented a former Defense Department analyst named Lawrence Franklin who served a decade in prison for passing military information to pro-Israel lobbyists.

Kenneth W. Starr

Kenneth Starr
Kenneth Starr

Associated Press/Jeff Chiu

Kenneth Starr, left speaking at a news conference in 2006 after California's governor declined to grant clemency to his death penalty client.

The lawyer whose name will always be associated with his report is currently the president of Baylor University, a Christian institution based in Waco, Texas. Before joining Baylor in 2010, Starr worked on some of the most noteworthy political cases in recent history, including a fight against campaign finance reform and the crusade against gay marriage in California.

Starr also represents the company Blackwater in a wrongful death suit filed by the families of four contractors killed in Iraq. While much of his legal work has focused on fighting for traditionally conservative causes, Starr has also tried to get the death sentences of two convicted murderers overturned.

Speaking about the Lewinsky affair in 2010, Starr said, "Who is not sorrowful for the entire chapter in American history?"

Paula Jones

Paula Jones
Paula Jones

AP Photo/Danny Johnst

Paula Jones, left, with alleged Clinton mistress Gennifer Flowers in front of the Clinton presidential library in 2008.

Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, filed the case that arguably precipitated Clinton's impeachment, because Lewinsky was deposed in that lawsuit. While Jones settled that case for $850,000, she told CNN in 2000 that most of that money went to pay her lawyers. She ended up posing nude for Penthouse, a decision she justified by saying she needed to pay her taxes and pay for her children's education. (That Penthouse issue spurred the conservative commentator Ann Coulter to call her "trailer-park trash.")

A decade after her Penthouse photos, Jones was interviewed for Ken Gormley's book, "Death of American Virtue," which recounted the entire Lewinsky mess. In the book, Jones lamented "the mud they'd drug me through," according to a New York Times review.

"I never lived in a trailer in my life," said Jones, who complained about the trauma of Clinton's alleged harassment.

Henry John Hyde


AP Photo/Doug Mills

Hyde on Capitol Hill in 1998.

Hyde was the Congressman who chaired the House Judiciary Committee and led Clinton's impeachment trial. Just a few months before that trial, Salon published a withering article called "This Hypocrite Broke Up My Family," which revealed Hyde had in fact had an extramarital affair.

After failing in his efforts to convict Clinton, Hyde went on to lead the House International Relations Committee, which invested billions in fighting HIV and AIDS, according to his New York Times obituary. He died in 2007 at the age of 83.

Cheryl Mills

Haiti Cheryl Mills
Haiti Cheryl Mills

AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery

Cheryl Mills, chief of staff to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, right, speaks to a police officer as she leaves after visiting the Caracol Haiti Industrial Park at an airport in Cap Hatien, Haiti, Wednesday, April 11, 2012.

Mills was deputy White House counsel under Clinton and defended him during his impeachmnent trial. She took a break from politics after leaving the Clinton administration, working at Oprah's Oxygen Media and as a senior vice president at New York University.

But she couldn't stay away from the Clintons for long. Hillary Clinton picked Mills as general counsel for her 2008 presidential run and then appointed her as chief of staff when she was Secretary of State. Politico noted last year that Mills will probably play a key role in a Hillary Clinton presidential run for president in 2016.

Greg Craig

Greg Craig
Greg Craig

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

White House counsel Greg Craig listens during a press conference in 2009.

Craig left a prestigious job in Washington to be Clinton's designated "quarterback" during his impeachment proceedings, The Washington Post reported at the time. After succeeding in that role, Craig went on to become President Barack Obama's top lawyer until he stepped down in 2009.

Craig was embroiled in controversy over whether to close the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba before he resigned from his White House post. He had drafted executive orders to ban torture and ordered the prison to be closed, The New York Times reported after his resignation.

Robert S. Bennett

Robert S. Bennett
Robert S. Bennett

AP Photo/Doug Mills

Bennett speaks to reporters in 1998.

While Mills represented Clinton during the official impeachment proceedings, Bennett worked as Clinton's personal attorney throughout the Lewinsky scandal.

Bennett has worked on a number of other politically scandalous legal cases since Monicagate, including the case against New York Times reporter Judith Miller over the leaking of a CIA operative's name. Mills also represented former World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz in a huge scandal that led to his resignation from the bank.

More recently, Bennett defended Megaupload against allegations that it had orchestrated a huge piracy scheme, before he withdrew from the case in 2012 because of a conflict of interest with another of his firm's clients.

Linda Tripp

Linda Tripp
Linda Tripp

AP Photo/Doug Mills

Linda Tripp talks to reporters in 1998.

Tripp, the former civil servant who ratted out her friend Monica Lewinsky, was indicted in 1999 for allegedly making illegal recordings of her calls with the former White House intern. While the charges were ultimately dropped, Clinton fired her from her Pentagon job in 2001. In addition to her ties to the Lewinsky affair, Tripp became famous for publicly praising a famous plastic surgeon for fixing her botched facelift in 2000.

Tripp has also gotten crafty. In 2004, the Washington Post reported that she worked at a year-round holiday shop in Middleburg, Virginia, and that she'd designed two White House Christmas ornaments.

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