Where is Robert Shinn now? The controversial pastor behind the 7M ‘TikTok cult’

melanie lee and robert shinn in dancing for the devil
The controversial pastor behind 7M ‘TikTok cult'Courtesy of Netflix

Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult is Netflix’s explosive new docuseries, sure to have true-crime fans gripped.

It tells the story of a group of young dancers, including Miranda Wilking (now Miranda Derrick), who signed up to a management company, 7M, run by Robert Shinn – a self-proclaimed “man of God” who also preached at a private, invite-only church named Shekinah.

Miranda's family, including her sister Melanie Wilking (also a dancer with a large social following) have since claimed she’s being held captive by a religious cult and shared their fears for her safety, after her contact reduced to nothing for months – setting alarm bells ringing. Miranda, who insists otherwise, has refused to confirm claims she’s in a cult and now maintains a tepid (in their eyes) relationship with her family – something they believe is Miranda simply acting on the advice of Shinn in the hopes of throwing curious online detectives off the scent of the ‘cult’.

The ‘cult’ in question is led by an entertainment management firm founder, Robert Shinn. He is both a pastor and the mastermind behind 7M Films, whose stars boast millions of followers. Shinn, it seems, has delivered success for the hopefuls signed up to his company too – but, the Netflix docuseries asks, at what cost?

In recent years, several disturbing allegations have emerged. Along with the claims made by the Wilking family, in 2023, three dancers sued Shinn, adding their voices to those of four others who have accused the talent manager and pastor of taking advantage of his followers. Others have also accused Shinn of sexual and financial coercion.

It’s alleged that both 7M and Shekinah Church in California, where Shinn is a pastor, are not what they appear to be.

“Shekinah is a cult operating under the guise of a religious institution,” according to claimants in a US lawsuit between Shinn, the church, dancers and church members, Rolling Stone reports.

So, what is the Shekinah Church and 7M Films? Who is Robert Shinn – and where is he now?

dancing for the devil the 7m tiktok cult melanie wilking in dancing for the devil the 7m tiktok cult cr courtesy of netflix
Melanie Wilking in the Netflix documentary, Dancing For The DevilCourtesy of Netflix

What is the Shekinah Church and 7M Films?

7M Films was reportedly founded in 2021 by Robert Shinn, who also serves as the pastor of Shekinah Church in Los Angeles, California. Not much is known about either the church or the management firm, save for the accusations made by former members, many of whom belonged to both the church and the entertainment firm.

While Shekinah Church does not appear to have an active social media presence, 7M Films boasts both a website and an Instagram page.

“7M Films, Inc. is a Los Angeles-based talent management company representing some of the top social media influencers in the world. Since 7M was founded in 2021, the collective social media following of our clients has grown from 1.78 million to 10.42million,” its website reads.

“7M’s client roster includes professional dancers, actors, models and music industry professionals.”

But little is shared beyond these details and contact information, including the firm’s email address and Instagram account. How you apply to be represented by the agency or how you join the church remains unclear, but some of those who appear in Dancing For The Devil allege that by 2021 the church (which first began in the 90s) was invite-only.

A post on 7M’s Instagram page - the only post to date - does share some information about the firm and the church, stating that there is no business affiliation between the two entities.

The statement continues: “You do not have to be a member of the Shekinah Church to be represented by 7M, nor do you have to be represented by 7M to be a member of the Shekinah Church.”

The Church, it adds, practices Christian worship and was formed in 1994.

Where is Robert Shinn now?

Little is known about what Shinn has been up to since allegations surfaced against him. However, he did speak out when Miranda Derrick’s family went public with their accusations in 2022.

In a statement, a spokesman for 7M and Shinn told DailyMail.com: “The false and sensational allegations about 7M stem directly from a dispute between 7M-represented dancer Miranda Derrick and her estranged family. Despite her family’s claims, Miranda is a successful businesswoman and a loving wife and daughter who cares very much about her family.

“It is pathetic and contemptible to try to turn her private family matters into a tawdry public scandal for clicks and clout.”

The spokesman added, “While the recent portrayals of Dr. Robert Shinn and 7M Films have been wildly offensive and riddled with inaccuracies, those false claims will not deter 7M from supporting Miranda in whichever endeavors she chooses to pursue next.”

Netflix documentary makers say Robert Shinn and Shekinah did not respond to requests for comment.

The series concludes: “No criminal charges have been brought against Shinn. He has previously denied sexually abusing any member of Shekinah or any client of 7M. The civil lawsuit is ongoing. Robert and his co-defendants deny the claims against them. The case is set to go to trial in 2025.”

Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult is available to stream on Netflix from 29 May

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