Who is Business Fish - and why is he all over Facebook?

First, Business Fish appeared in private chats - then he crept into comments

Business Fish
Business Fish

A businessman with the head of a fish and very expressive ways of showing his emotions has started cropping up all over Facebook.

First, Business Fish appeared in private chats - then he crept into comments.

He is a ‘Sticker’ - a sort of giant emoji - which can be popped instantly into chat or comments (you click or tap the little smiley face button in the text window).

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Unlike most Emoji or emoticon, Business Fish can convey the stress of filling in a tax return (below).

Stickers began as a Japanese craze, but quickly became hugely popular as part of messaging services.

Line, popular in the Far East, has built its popularity on its huge range of stickers, and is now used by 560 million people.

Facebook’s stickers are like a more customisable version of Emoji - you can add new ‘sticker packs’ by clicking on them, with several offered free as standard, including Business Fish.

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Business Fish struggles with his tax return
Business Fish struggles with his tax return


Packs include recognisable characters such as Shaun the Sheep and Snoopy - others offer made-for-Facebook characters such as Business Fish, who was highlighted by The Guardian this week.

Business Fish works like many of the ‘sticker packs’ - there are different Business Fish for different emotions, and in use, they’re pretty much like Emoji.

Business Fish has his own particular specialities, of course - there’s one for doing your tax return, and several for getting drunk.

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Stickers look set to be big business, too - with American companies offering free, promotional sticker packs for the Super Bowl, as a new means of advertising on Facebook.

Whether the West gets as hooked as the Far East remains to be seen - but if you ARE looking for an Emoji for your tax return, Business Fish has your back.