Wisdom Teeth Patient Reduced to Tears by Picture of His Girlfriend

Tennessee resident Jake Crumby was left in a rather sensitive state after having his wisdom teeth removed. In fact, he was moved to tears simply by a photo of his girlfriend on his phone.

Crumby told Storyful that the picture of his girlfriend on his home screen made him miss her so much he couldn’t hold back his tears.

“She goes to college three hours from me and I am only able to see her once a week on occasion,” he said. “After I saw my home screen I began to get very emotional and could not help but cry over how much I missed her,” he added.

Crumby’s dad was on hand to record the unintentionally funny scene. It was shared to TikTok by Crumby’s girlfriend, Kinley Propes, where it proved a hit and had racked up over 770,000 likes by the time of writing. Credit: Jake Crumby via Storyful