Wishaw YMCA 110th anniversary marked with congratulatory motion in Scottish Parliament

-Credit: (Image: Angie Reynolds)
-Credit: (Image: Angie Reynolds)

The efforts of a Wishaw youth organisation has been hailed in the Scottish Parliament.

Wishaw YMCA recently celebrated its 110th anniversary with a special birthday bash.

The fun-filled event took place at Wishaw Old Parish Church Hall with members of North Lanarkshire Schools Pipe Band providing the entertainment.

Motherwell and Wishaw MSP Clare Adamson proposed the motion congratulating the YM on their most recent anniversary and paid tribute to the work being done by its many volunteers.

The motion reads: “That the Parliament congratulates Wishaw YMCA on its 110th anniversary; understands that the Wishaw YMCA is an inclusive organisation that helps transform lives by empowering people to create positive change within themselves and their communities; notes that the Wishaw YMCA opened in 1914 with a focus on helping young men to be healthy in mind, body and spirit through program delivery and mentorship; understands that throughout the years, its mission has expanded to encompass the whole community and embrace new programmes such as its Esports Academy and Camera Clubs; applauds its commitment and dedication to the community, and wishes Wishaw YMCA all the best for its year of celebration.”

The old YMCA listed building in Wishaw town centre was closed in November 2018 after an inspection from Scottish Fire and Rescue, who deemed it not up to current legislation.

-Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc
-Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc

Back in 2022, the YM applied to North Lanarkshire Council seeking permission to alter the listed building in order to expand its services to the community.

The application, which if completed would be a multi-million pound redevelopment, states that the project would see new offices created, and that these alterations would be “sympathetic” to the appearance of the building, and original features would be retained while increasing the amount of available space available to the public and to community groups.

With its old town centre base out of action, Wishaw YM have continued and earlier this year moved into a temporary base in Quarry Street.

The town hall meeting will now be held this Saturday, July 6, at the YM’s new base in Quarry Street from midday to 4pm.

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