Woman feared for her life after being barricaded in bedroom by ex

-Credit: (Image: NELC)
-Credit: (Image: NELC)

A victim of domestic violence said she lives in fear of her ex-partner who threatened her with a screwdriver in his bedroom and barricaded her in, a court heard.

The violence erupted after Adam Swayib, 37, of Grimsby Road, Cleethorpes, demanded she get undressed. She refused and said "No" in a raised voice to attract attention from others who lived in the house.

At Grimsby Crown Court Swayib, admitted assaulting the woman by spitting in her face and and threatening her with violence on January 5 this year. Prosecuting, Chloe Pinches told how the offence happened five weeks after Swayib had received a suspended sentence for assaulting an emergency worker.


The row over her attire escalated when Swayib barricaded the bedroom door with his bed. He told her he felt like killing her, the prosecutor said.

The victim, who had been in a relationship with him for around three months, was described by Miss Pinches as "brave" in the way in which she apologised to her boyfriend "to talk him around" and calmed him down after around 20 minutes.

He then took down the barricade and they both left the property. When she got a chance, back at her own property, she called the police and Swayib was arrested the following day.

Reading from the victim's impact statement, Miss Pinches said: "I am frightened and petrified to death. I am emotionally damaged and concerned for my safety. I feared for my life."

For Swayib, Michael Forrest said his client's mental health problems were aggravated by his addiction to illicit substances, but since his remand into custody he had become drug-free.

He said he accepted they had ruined his life for over eight years. He added his client's ambition is to become an HGV driver.

Sentencing Swayib, Judge Richard Woolfall listed the defendant's previous convictions for battery against females and assaults on police officers.

"You are someone who is comfortable using violence. You were heavily under the influence of crack cocaine and told her you felt like killing her, though there were no threats to kill. You did it with a screwdriver in your hand. Your behaviour has been unpredictable," the judge said.

He added the violent actions had a considerable impact on his victim. He jailed Swayib for a total of 18 months for the violence and a further 20 weeks for his breach of a suspended sentence order. The judge said no order for compensation could be made because of his lack of means.