Woman gets '14-hour revenge' on couple who stole her plane seats

The woman thanked the late passenger for 'serving instant karma' (stock)
The woman thanked the late passenger for 'serving instant karma' (stock) -Credit:Getty Images

A woman reportedly got a '14 hour revenge' on a couple who stole her plane seats to satisfy their own comfort.

When she and her now ex-husband boarded their flight, they were shocked to see an elderly couple already buckled in on their row. A flight attendant came over to solve the situation.

However, the airline staff member simply asked whether they'd agree to a swap so she wouldn't have to disturb the elderly couple.

Taking to Reddit, the customer said: "The plane was pretty much full and all settled in, and a couple older than us sat in our row of three. I checked our tickets and then asked the couple what seats they were supposed to be in as those were ours. They refused to move, they had scored three seats to their two bottoms, whereas the row in front had a very slim girl at the window.

"The air hostess came over and as they were older and playing the age card, the hostess asked us to sit in the seats in front. My husband argued that in the event of an accident, our names were not in the right locations, however, the hostess said she would swap these over. So we sat down next to the slim girl who took up no room whatsoever."

With the elderly couple "loudly gloating" about their win, her husband encouraged her to recline her seat as far back as possible to reduce their leg room. But then, much to their delight, another passenger boarded the plane and started heading over to the only available seat next to the elderly couple.

As reported in the Mirror, she added: "So here we were settled when this man started walking up the plane he was a very very large man, long long dreadlocks shoving a baguette in his mouth as he made his way up the aisle. My husband just looked at me and smiled as he realised the only spare seat was that window seat, that would have been next to mine.

"Karma took a dump on the gloating couple's lap as the man asked them to move so he could get into his seat. Once settled he took up a lot of the space and once in the air, the lady called a hostess down and started having a strop about how we had stolen their seats and that we had refused to move when they boarded.

"Sadly for the lady, our argument at the start of the flight had been witnessed by the staff as everyone else was settled by then so she was shut down by the staff who refused to move us." The woman says the elderly couple ended up having a "miserable" 14-hour flight as their seat neighbour kept getting up for the toilet, and extra drinks and snacks.

Thanking him for 'serving instant karma', she said: "Whoever he was he was a complete gem of a human being." Commenting on her post, one user said: "I would’ve bought him a drink. It would’ve been so much better if he was a little tipsy." Another user added: "I'm a big person and I too hope to be inconvenient to someone who deserves it." A third user said: "This is awesome! I love it when you get to see consequences play out in real-time."

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