Flight attendant's 'effective' trick to persuade passengers who won't swap seats

A female flight attendant clothed an elderly passenger sleeping in the passenger seat. Stewardess taking care of the passenger. Cabin crew gives service to a passenger in an airplane.
Flight attendants are no strangers to plane seat drama -Credit:Getty Imafes/iStockphoto

A flight attendant has divulged her unique tactic for dealing with passengers who stubbornly refuse to change seats - and it's quite the eye-opener.

The long-standing controversy over whether or not to swap plane seating has divided flyers. Some staunchly maintain that once you've paid for your seat, no one should expect you to move a perfectly reasonable stance.

Yet, there are those who feel that in certain situations, compassion should prevail, allowing someone else to enjoy the prime spot you've secured, especially if it's just by the window.

An astute air stewardess has now shared her effective strategy for persuading more reluctant travellers to exchange seats with parents accompanied by small children, asserting it's a sure-fire success.

Very bored child on a plane journey.
Children can be a handful on plane journeys -Credit:Getty Images

Speaking to The Wall Street Journal, Orlando-based flight attendant Mitra Amirzadeh disclosed her approach when a young child is involved in a tense seat-swapping situation. She intervenes with the aim of diffusing the tension, employing her well-honed negotiation skills, reports the Mirror.

Mitra, who also represents her colleagues as a union rep at an airline where passengers pay extra for preferred seating, said to the news outlet: "I have said before, 'OK, so you're going to watch the toddler? 'You'll want their snacks and their colouring books then, because they're going to need that'."

The cabin crew employee added that she often witnesses passengers getting riled up over seating arrangements, especially when it involves families wanting to sit together. She explained that in cases without children, such as couples who want to be side by side but haven't booked accordingly, she seldom steps in.

Mitra emphasised that she doesn't want people to feel compelled to give up seats they've paid for. She advised: "The next time you feel yourself getting angry or getting frustrated that you're not getting the seat you want, you need to remind yourself that you didn't pay to pick your seat. Otherwise, you'd be in it."

She also noted that these uncomfortable situations are quite common, happening on around 80 per cent of the flights she works each month.

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