Worcester woman spared jail after drink driving in someone else's car

COURT: Gemma Payne was spared jail for driving with excess alcohol when she appeared before magistrates in Kidderminster <i>(Image: James Connell/Newsquest)</i>
COURT: Gemma Payne was spared jail for driving with excess alcohol when she appeared before magistrates in Kidderminster (Image: James Connell/Newsquest)

A 29-year-old woman has received a suspended jail sentence for drink driving in a car she took without consent after failing to comply with the terms of a community order.

Gemma Payne of Britannia Road, Worcester, received an eight week suspended prison sentence at Kidderminster Magistrates Court on Monday, June 24 and was order to undergo alcohol treatment.

She accepted she failed without reasonable excuse  to comply with the requirements of a community order, made by Kidderminster Magistrates Court on October 27 last year, which was why the prison sentence was imposed for the original offence.

Payne failed to attend probation requirement appointments on January 29 and February 9.

COURT: Gemma Payne (Image: West Mercia Police)

Because of the breach she was jailed for the original offences for which the community order was made - driving with excess alcohol in a Vauxhall Mokka on Ombersley Road in Worcester on April 13 last year. The reading in breath was 68mcg of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, close to twice the limit of 35mcg.

RECOMMENDED READING: Gemma Payne, of Worcester, no shows Worcester Magistrates Court

Payne had also been convicted of driving that vehicle after taking it without consent of the owner on the same day. She had already been convicted of these offences on May 18.

Magistrates sentenced her to eight weeks in prison, suspended for 18 months when she appeared earlier this week.

The defendant must comply requirements within the supervision period of 18 months.

These include an alcohol treatment requirement which involves treatment for alcohol dependency by or under the direction of a suitably qualified person at Cranstoun for 12 months and a rehabilitation activity requirement of 40 days.

Payne was warned that if she failed to comply with the terms of the suspended prison sentence, the eight week prison term could be activated.

We reported in August 2022 how Gemma Payne shook her head and was in tears as she was told she was being jailed for eight weeks, after ignoring warnings previously from magistrates she was at risk.  This was when Payne appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court after she admitted using threatening, abusive words, and behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.