Worker performed citizen's arrest on thief who broke into his van in Wishaw

-Credit: (Image: Hamilton Advertiser)
-Credit: (Image: Hamilton Advertiser)

A worker performed a citizen's arrest on a thief who broke into his van in the early hours of the morning.

The man jumped out of bed and confronted Jamie Purdie who was pushing a cement mixer and carrying a power drill.

The episode led to Purdie, 35, of Sidlaw Drive, Wishaw, appearing at Hamilton Sheriff Court this week.

He admitted stealing the items after forcing open the van in Cairngorm Crescent, Wishaw, on October 27 last year.

Purdie also admitted threatening or abusive behaviour towards police officers at University Hospital Wishaw.

Sinead Corrigan, prosecuting, said the cement mixer and drill were returned but the man is £1,800 out of pocket due to damage Purdie caused to his van.

She told the court: "The man's wife heard a loud smash at 3.28am, looked out of the bedroom window and saw the accused pacing up and down at the side of her husband's works van.

"She woke her husband who left the house and apprehended Purdie who was in possession of a cement mixer and an electrical drill.

"He held him until police arrived. Purdie told officers he had taken the mixer for his papa.

"Purdie had a facial injury and was taken to hospital. While there he shouted and swore at police officers, saying 'Wait till I get out of these handcuffs. Get me home now!'."

Ms Corrigan said Purdie had smashed the van's window and there was also "substantial" damage to the interior of the vehicle.

Due to previous claims by his employer, the insurance company would not pay out, leaving the man out of pocket. He is seeking £1,800 compensation from Purdie.

Defence lawyer Andy Brophy said unemployed Purdie is on medication for mental health issues, adding: "On this occasion he had taken far too much to drink. He can't remember much about it."

Sheriff Michael Higgins deferred sentence until next month for background reports and consideration of a compensation order.

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