The 'World's Best Psychic' returns to Shanklin Theatre on FRIDAY

June Field on her own and with star Hugh Grant <i>(Image: June Field)</i>
June Field on her own and with star Hugh Grant (Image: June Field)

The winner of the ‘World’s Best Psychic’ competition, June Field, will return to the Isle of Wight on Friday (May 24), to Shanklin Theatre.

Described by Uri Geller as the most specific psychic he had ever seen, June beat 70,000 contestants to win an X Factor ‘Battle of the Psychics’ TV show in Ukraine, watched by 34 million viewers.

During filming, she correctly identified a serial killer in Kyiv... a story which made headlines around the world.

Isle of Wight County Press: Psychic June Field with Derek Jacobi
Isle of Wight County Press: Psychic June Field with Derek Jacobi

Psychic June Field with Derek Jacobi (Image: June Field)

By holding a necklace belonging to the killer’s victims, June was able to give police vital information.

June’s remarkable powers have attracted many celebrity clients across the world, from the likes of Toyah, Jane McDonald, Judy Murray, Gary Numan and Hollywood legend Laura Dern.

Linda Lusardi and her husband Sam Kane accompanied her to last year’s Shanklin Theatre show.

Isle of Wight County Press: Psychic June Field with Susan Boyle
Isle of Wight County Press: Psychic June Field with Susan Boyle

Psychic June Field with Susan Boyle (Image: June Field)

During her performance on Friday, June will again hold a raffle for the IW Donkey Sanctuary.

June said: “I love animals, and this is a very special place I love visiting when I am over. Hopefully, the raffle can make a small difference as they rely on donations.

“During the show, tickets are drawn by members of the audience, and I then connect with the winners. It demonstrates the randomness of who I connect with and supports a cause close to my heart.”

Read our interview with June ahead of her show last year HERE

June has performed the last two years at the Shanklin Theatre and given private readings on the Island.

She added: “I’m really excited to be returning again. It’s a lovely place, and I’ve always had a receptive audience and made strong connections through spirit.

“My shows help bring comfort and healing to those who have lost loved ones as well as providing some laughter amid the tears.”

The show gets underway at 7.30pm.