Worried about your stressed teen? Here are 4 expert ways you can guide them through (#2 might not feel natural, but your kids will thank you)

 A teenage girl looking sad while sat up in bed.
A teenage girl looking sad while sat up in bed.

If your teen has been feeling stressed, check out these four tips recommended by a medical expert to help them cope.

If you're worried because your teenager won't talk to you anymore then rest assured you're not alone. It's normal for older children to become distant and today's teens have a lot on their plate, what with exam stress, navigating their peer groups and much more. Trying some expert-led teen conversation starters might help get communication going, but once you've found out what's on your teen's mind you might be looking for ways to work through the things that are troubling them.

And with exam season not far away, many teens are probably starting to feel the pressure. Walking the tricky line of knowing when to step in and help your teen out with falling back and letting them figure it out on their own is not easy, but HuffPost has spoken to Dr Naveen Puri, Medical Director at Bupa UK Insurance, to put together a list of four ways parents can help support a stressed teenager.

4 ways to support a stressed teenager

1. Encourage a healthy routine

Equipping your teen with healthy stress management techniques will stand them in good stead going forward, and one of the best ways you can do this is by being a role model. Going out for a walk, to a gym class or trying journaling are all good examples and, if you ask your teen to come with you, you can talk through your day together.

A study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that just 20 minutes of physical activity three times a week can have a positive effect on stress, so encouraging your teen to move their body could help enhance their mood. You can model this to your teen each day by going on a walk, a run, or just doing some stretching in the living room.

Meanwhile, modelling a well-balanced diet and getting plenty of sleep can be helpful too, so try to teach your kids the values of these.

2. Listen before giving advice

Creating a safe space where your teen feels they can open up about their problems without judgement is an important way you can help them manage stress. Teens aren't always open to taking unsolicited advice, so instead of jumping in and trying to fix their problems, practice active listening instead, and consider asking them directly whether they're looking for advice, or whether they just want to vent to someone.

Dr Naveen suggests you could start the conversation by saying something along the lines of: "I've noticed that you’ve been quieter than usual recently, so I wanted to ask if there’s anything you’d like to speak to me about."

And don't be disheartened if your child doesn't open up to you at first - you can try again another time.

3. Signpost further support

If your teen is feeling stressed to the point that it's affecting their day-to-day life, then they might be in need of extra support. Make sure they are aware of their options - most schools will have a mental health lead as part of their pastoral care, so it might be worth mentioning this to your child or getting in touch with the school.

Mental health charities such as Young Minds can also provide support and guidance for teenagers who may be struggling, while Place2Be also offers resources for both children and their parents.

Seeking help earlier is key, as it can help reduce the risk of mental health conditions developing later down the line, such as depression and anxiety.

4. Look after yourself

When you're looking after a stressed teen, it can be hard to make time for yourself too. But if your own health and wellbeing suffers, this can have a knock-on effect on your children. They say that you can't pour from an empty cup and this is true - looking after your own emotional and physical health will help you look after your children's too.

This is something that psychotherapist and author Anna Mathur is an advocate for. She previously shared in an Instagram post: " I’ll continue to resource myself through the walks, the talks, the deep breaths, the early starts to nourish myself before I nourish my kids… Because not only does it give me a smidge extra for them, but it has slowly transformed my understanding of my own worth and deservedness to feed myself, to slow, to enjoy the things I enjoy."

Meanwhile, Dr Naveen suggestes, "Take time out when you can to do the things you enjoy and reach out to someone trusted to talk through your concerns (respecting your child’s confidentiality)." Your GP can also offer further advice and support to help you and your teen tackle their stressors.

In related news, here's the real reason why it feels like your teenager is tuning you out, and we've also revealed why your teenager always sleeps in late. Elsewhere, here's what to expect when your teenager starts dating and a parenting expert reveals why your teenager’s ‘annoying’ habits are actually a sign of good parenting.