After years of failed plans, the redevelopment of Mancunian landmark Hotspur Press could finally happen

How Hotspur Press will look once the redevelopment is complete -Credit:Manner
How Hotspur Press will look once the redevelopment is complete -Credit:Manner

The redevelopment of a landmark Mancunian mill has been expanded. The Hotspur Press, on Cambridge Street in the city centre, has been derelict for years since it closed as a printing works in 1996.

It has been the subject of interest from developers over the last decade, most notably in 2020 when planning permission was granted for a 171-home, 28-storey residential proposal.

But those plans never became a reality, leaving developers Manner to take on the project. The firm unveiled a bid to 'preserve much of the existing brick exterior and celebrate the heritage of the building' by adding a 36-storey student tower, new public square, and public realm improvements.

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Those plans were made public in December of last year, but Manner has now confirmed it has scaled up its ambitions. It is set to reduce the height and width of the tower 'slightly', but add another floor to the tower, meaning the number of student bedrooms will rise from 578 to 595.

The original CG images of the project -Credit:Manner
The original CG images of the project -Credit:Manner

The increase won't affect proposals for the public square, but the commercial unit at the base of the building will be enlarged - kick-starting the hunt 'for independent operators to occupy that space'.

"Since we submitted the planning application in December last year, we have been working with the City Council and local resident groups to further improve our plans," Manner MD Richard James said.

"These constructive and positive conversations have helped us to better understand how we can make the best possible contribution to the local neighbourhood and ensure the construction process is carefully managed to minimise local disruption. These discussions have been immensely helpful, and we are pleased to be working with the local community to deliver the regeneration of The Hotspur Press."

The company has also committed to setting up 'a community liaison group to provide information to residents about the construction works and then the operation of the building'.